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Lydia's POV

After Stiles dropped me off at my house I immediately ran to my room. I then plopped onto my bed and got out my phone to call Kira and Allison.

"Hey guys! I just got back from my date with Stiles!" I greeted enthusiastically

"Great, now tell us everything," Allison replied.

"Yeah, I wanna see what has gotten you inside a cheerful mood," Kira retorted.

"Okay, so first we went out the movies and watched the Age Of Adaline and then we went out for frozen yogurt. It was really great we talked about random things, nothing got awkward. I really think it was one of my best dates," I gushed feeling my cheeks start to burn up.

"That's great Lyds. Are you going on another one?" Kira asked.

"Yeah, we are," I replied while twirling one of my strawberry blonde locks with my finger.

"Did you guys kiss, again?" Allison asked bluntly.

"I kinda kissed him on the cheek before I went inside of my house," I smiled thinking about it.

"Only on the cheek?" Allison asked.

"Well yeah, I wanna take things slow especially after what happened last time. Also, I'm going to be going out with his brother. So, I don't think kissing is really an option. It would make things weird and I still haven't chose yet," I rambled on.

"Okay,okay,just asking Lyds." Allison also replied.

"It's fine, well that's all. Bye guys," I said.

"Kk,Bye." Kira and Allison replied at the same time.

(A/N:For those who might now understand they are having a three way call on their phones.)

Stiles' POV

Once I got home I opened the door to see Scott and Stuart on the couch playing video games, as usual.

I plopped down on the couch besides them to get their attention.

"Hey Stiles! How did the date with Lydia go?" Scott asked while waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Good, actually great. It was fun,  we went out to the movies and got ice cream. We are even going on a second one," I replied cheerfully.

I sensed that Stuart wasn't really paying attention. I guess he was still playing video games.

"Did you kiss her?" Scott asked.

"Well kinda, she kissed me on the cheek," I said while touching the cheek she kissed.

"That's cool, at least you got some action," Scott replied.

I chucked a pillow at him but, he caught it. Unfortunately he chucked it back at me making me fall of the couch. There goes my clumsiness again.

I stood up awkwardly and I said, "That didn't happen."

Yet, Scott and Stuart were already dying of laughter. They were clutching their sides and were almost at the point of tears. I scowled at them.

They just continued until Scott started saying between laughs "I-I didn't even throw it that hard but, you still fell."

I glared at both of them before saying, "I'm gonna go upstairs now. Laugh all you want jerks."

"You know we were just kidding right? It's just that you are so clumsy at times," Stuart said.

"Yeah, yeah,whatever." I retorted while walking up the stairs to go to my room.

Author's Note

Yay! Scott is hanging out with he Stilinski Twins. I honestly adore my favorite brotp Sciles. Thank you guys for reading and I have been updating very frequently due to you guys. Hopefully you guys are enjoying this story. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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