L O V E !

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Stiles' POV

She said it! She loves me too! I feel like an whole load has been lifted off my shoulders. Now this was surely pure an utter bliss! God, I sound like a girl.

But still as corny as it sounds I think this is one of the best moments of my life.

Now that I have Lydia and all. As I stared into her big emerald eyes I saw that she was the only person I can ever picture myself with.

The one and only Lydia Martin.

After getting to know her after all these months of dating her,I know a lot of things about her.

Such as all these little details I'm sure not a lot of people know about her.

Like how she has a genius I.Q. Also how she was supposed to have graduated early since she had enough credits but wanted to stay in high school a little longer.Which was a good thing since if she didn't I probably wouldn't have met her. Which that thought was unimaginable.But nonetheless I admired how she told it how it is. Also the way she really cares about her friends, is fiercely loyal, protective of everyone, and overall a great person.

Now how did someone like me, get someone like that?

Not to mention that she was absolutelly gorgeous.

Which explains all of the glares I give all the guys that gives desiring looks to her.

Since she is mine.

Whoa, possessive much?

Well duh, we love each other.





So it goes both ways. Hmm...I wonder what she's thinking about all the time.

I held her closet to me into a bear hug. I inhaled her scent, the smell of cherry vanilla was her scent for today. Like the same thing that changed with the way she tastes while we kiss.

That's another thing I love about Lydia. She always keeps me guessing. Its never boring we have nonstop things to talk about. Even if we do have the occasional comfortable silence between us.

Sometimes we talked about light hearted topics or deeper conversations. Either way I loved the way she talked. She had a way with words it carried intelligence like she was telling a story.

We could talk about school, our friends, family, problems with the world, her ranting about random subjects,but I loved all of it.

I loved her.

Author's Note: Sorry it took long to update my phone won't turn on no matter what I tried. :( So, using my old phone until if turns back on somehow. This chapter is kinda short. I'm trying to build up their relationship a bit. And thank you so much for the 3k views on this book. I'm really glad I'm writing this story. Plus, am I the only who cried when Stiles saw Lydia hurt? The Stydia feels are overwhelming. :'(
Plus the underlined italics ate his subconscious, If you were confused and I repeated one sentence in purpose to he it stand out. So yeah....till next time.

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