Is this a form of studying?

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Lydia's POV

Stiles told me that he told Stuart about us an that he was perfectly fine with my decision. I'm extremely happy he is and it would be weird if he tried to win me over.

This day consisted of Stiles walking me to each one of my classes and announcing to everyone that we were in a relationship. I guess a lot of people were expecting me to be with one of the Stilinski's brothers.

He was a really sweet and caring guy and I couldn't be any happier knowing my decision was positively and absolutely right. I really really really really really really like him.

I'm also really glad that things didn't turn awkward between us with that while love triangle thing with Stuart.

Kira and Allison are kind of having a love triangle situation with Scott right now since they both like him and he likes both of them. (For you Scira and Scallison shippers )

Lets just say that both of our friends are having their own problems, but besides that they all congratulated us for as I quote finally being together since I was supposedly bound to be with one of them.

I also find it a bit embarrassing when they start cooing and teasing us about it. They even made a ship name for us, Stydia. Supposedly we are OTP material and are being shipped hardcore which made me blush

After the last period rang Stiles asked if we wanted to hang out and do a study date again.

I agreed so now he will be visiting my house after school since I came to his last time.

So we took both of our cars and drove to my house. Stiles ended up driving behind me to know where it was. We would have probably drove in his baby blue Jeep, but I took my car today and didn't want to leave it there.

In quite a while we drove back to my house that wasn't that far from the school.

Once we got there I got out of my car and he followed behind me not too far away. I got out my keys and unlocked the door knowing that my mom would be getting home from work today late.

I have to say I really really like it when she works late sometimes.

"Do you want any snacks or drinks?" I questioned Stiles.

"Sure,what do you have?" He answered.

"Um, I don't know I think can just bring somethings you and I both like," I retorted.

Stiles nodded his head and I said "My room is the first door to the right I'll be right up there after I get the stuff," I told him.

"Okay," Stiles replied and he started walking up the stairs.

With that I made my way towards the kitchen to see what things we have. I looked throughout until I was satisfied with my choices. I grabbed two bottles of pink lemonade and some strawberry Twizzlers since that's what I was in the mood for.

I started to climb the stairs and headed towards my room. When I opened the door I saw that Stiles was sitting on my bed looking around my room. Seeing him with that curious expression made me smile to myself.

I closed the door that made Stiles jump a little since he certainly wasn't expecting me right then. I got into my bed next to him and decided that we better start studying.

"Hey, I brought some pink lemonade and some strawberry Twizzlers for snacks. Is that okay with you because I can get something else?"

"No, no, that's a perfect snack actually," Stiles replied reassuringly.

I grinned and opened the packet of Twizzlers while tossing a bottle of lemonade to Stiles that he managed to catch and I kept one for myself. I took out a piece for him and myself.

The piece that I did take out I put it inside my mouth and began to chew it until I finished it and topped it off with my pink lemonade drink while I twisted off the cap. I peered over the bottle and saw that Stiles was also eating and drinking it.

With the packets still inside my hands I reached over to my backpack, and began with, "We should probably get started now. How about history?" I suggested.

"I guess that will be okay," Stiles replied with a shrug that turned into a mischievous smile when he also said, "But, I think I have another form or studying in mind."

On that note Stiles pulled me into kiss before I pulled away and smirked asking, "Is this a form of studying?"

"Well it's the one I want to start with," Stiles replied cheekily.

"Then lets," I agreed while biting my bottom lip into pulling him back into the kiss we shared just moments ago.

He eagerly obliged to it and let us deepen our kiss so I could get a taste of him. Which resulted in the flavor mix of pink lemonade and strawberry Twizzlers which was probably mine too. After awhile of kissing we had to pull away and catch our breathe to keep from passing out.

That made me say, "Well since we are done with that form of studying lets get to the part which we originally planned to do which actually involves learning and memorizing things."

"Aww, I was focusing on the kissing form," Stiles pouted.

"Maybe later but after we're done." I said which made Stiles go into a triumphal smile. But with that he reluctantly nodded to my proposal.

So the rest of that afternoon consisted of us going over the things we felt necessary as going through other forms of studying and kissing him goodbye.

Authors Note: Hey guys we are SO CLOSE TO SEASON 5! (If you're reading this while season 5 is on or after don't mind me.) I really am ready to stop this hiatus. Hopefully you guys like my writing skills. ♥️♥️♥️

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