Chapter 1: Dancing, Drinking & Lies

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~~~~~~ Kelia ~~~~~~

What are the biggest lies you were ever told? I can think of 3 for me.

Lie number 1

Good things happen to those that are good. Only recently did I finally realise this is a lie. I had lived my whole life being kind, courteous and noble, believing it would bring me some form of karmic retribution. That if I did what I was told, I would be rewarded with a happy life. But no matter how much kindness I had given, no matter how obedient I was, it seemed to be bringing me towards a doomed path. Infact, I think my actions are completely irrelevant. No matter what I did, I was stuck to whatever was decided for me. Nothing could change that. So if it didn't matter, than why should I behave?

Lie number 2

You shouldn't drink too much. Ha! I was drunk as can be and having a great time! I regret not drinking sooner. I had grown up believing alcohol was the devil, but today it was such a saving grace.

Lie number 3

Probably the biggest lie I ever heard was that my parents loved me. My parents never cared for me, rarely talked to me, and never even looked at me. That is, until today when they told me they were selling me off to a man nearly 3 times my age in a neighbouring kingdom. Marriage they called it. Pfft. What a nice way of saying contractually obligated to eternal misery. I would sooner drown myself in a barrel of ale than be married. Which is what I attempted to at least, leading me to my current predicament of being carried back to my parents on the shoulder of one of my father's knights.

According to the knight, it is unbecoming of a noble lady to drink at the local bar, and I must go back to my parent's castle. According to me, I was not at the level of intoxication I wanted to be at, and knew I most certainly wouldn't be able to get to that level at my parent's castle. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty drunk, but I was still able to think about my arranged marriage which meant I could definetly drink more.

Sure, I should probably be plotting an escape from this engagement or a way to convince my parents they shouldn't sell me, but right now the thought of being forced into a marriage with a strange man in a kingdom I'd never been was making me desperately need a vacation from sobriety.

As we unfortunately arrived at my parent's castle, the knight brought me into the drawing room and placed me down on the couch. Immediately my parents stormed in.

"Kalia Briar, where did you run off to?!" My mother yelled coldly.

"She was at the bar, my lady." The knight rudely chimed in before I had the chance to respond.

Both my parent's eyes went dark as they looked down at me.

"Well if that's all you wished to know, I will leave you to-" I was cut off by my mother slapping me full force. The rings on her hands stinging my poor cheeks.

"HOW DARE YOU DRINK AT A BAR UNDER THE BRIAR NAME!" She shouted coldly. "We have a reputation to uphold, and I will not have you sully our family name!"

"Perhaps Sir Taghmar can make a proper lady of you. I heard he has a knack for taming women. Hopefully he can marry you before you make a mess of my dukedom." My Father said as he stared at me with disgust.

My blood ran cold. The fuck?

My mother sighed loudly. "We don't have time to deal with you right now, you need to get ready. We will have to deal with your foolishness later. The Queen's tea is tonight, and we cannot miss it. I'll have the maids empty your stomach. And you WILL behave, you cannot afford not to."

Her words were cold, the vagueness of the threat making it feel more sinister.

"Are you sure you should reward the drunk with a tea party? Especially the Queen's?" My Father asked raising his brow.

Under the Queen's Ruleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें