Chapter 8: Retributions

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"Wake up, Hun. It's time to get up." The Queen gently shook me awake.

I looked over to the window wondering what time it was, seeing it was still dark out.

Has she lost it?

"No. It's nighttime, I sleep." I huffed tiredly while rolling over.

"You will sleep later. You have work to do." She said firmly while picking me up out of the crib.

I groaned while she set me down giving her the most menacing glare I could muster.

"Your adorable. Now get dressed." She cooed handing me a maids outfit.

I looked at her curiously.

"I'll explain in a bit, now hurry up and get dressed, no delaying. I'll be waiting right outside when you're done."

I rolled my eyes as she left the room, and began dressing as slowly as possible. Once I was done I took an extra minute to rebel against being woken up at whatever ungodly hour it was and went outside.

"Well that took forever, let's go." She said sharply pulling me along as I grumbled outwardly, letting her know that I was not happy.

She finally stopped dragging me to push me inside the kitchen. A couple guards followed in behind stationing themselves at the door. I winced looking around the kitchen seeing the mess I had left behind yesterday.

"You have until the staff awakes to have this room spotless. You will not just clean up your mess, but every nook and cranny. I don't want to see so much as one speck of dust left behind."

I let out another groan listening to her. She ignored me and continued without hesitation.

"And the longer you take, the longer your timeout later will be. Since you already dilly dallied getting ready, you've already added 5 minutes."

Dilly dallied? How old is she?

"That's not fair! You didn't tell me that earlier!" I argued.

"I shouldn't have had to." She said rolling her eyes at me. "I shouldn't have to threaten you with punishments for you to listen to me. Now get to it. If you get this done quickly, I will let you go back to sleep after breakfast."

I let out my third and final grumble in annoyance before grabbing a broom, making sure she knew I was thoroughly displeased.

She deserved getting my concoction thrown at her. It was my revenge. How dare she punish me for it?

Clearly she was not understanding and I would need to do more. My next revenge plan needed to be more fitting, something that said; how dare you baby me.

Maybe something like... imprisonment?

After all, it should be illegal to wake someone up this early.

No that wouldn't work. 

Judging by how easily she picked me up and carried me, she's probably hiding some serious muscles and there was no way I would be able to throw her in a dungeon. Especially her own dungeon since her guards were stupidly loyal to her.

As I continued sweeping I kept pondering revenge plans.


No that seemed too extreme.

Declare war on her and her entire family?

No didn't seem right. I was starting to think my tiredness was making me too drastic with my revenge plans. Typically, when I wake up I tend to think a bit dark, wanting to kill everyone and such, until I've had caffeine. Even thinking and functioning this early was hard without my morning tea. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 09 ⏰

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