Chapter 4: Aftermath

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I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous. I carefully sat up, but even going at my slow speed caused the room to begin spinning. I tried staring at a corner trying to use telekinesis to steady the world but it would not stop moving.

"Are you feeling alright?" The queen's voice came from the corner of the room where she had been sitting while reading.

"I honestly don't know yet." I said holding my head, trying to mentally force myself to feel better.

All at once, the nausea hit me 10 times over and I sprinted to the bathroom trying not to barf all over the Queen's guest room. I thankfully made it just in time, and took my place hunched over latrine. The Queen entered not long after me, and quickly helped me sit up so I wasn't resting  my face on the latrine seat. Normally I would not appreciate the utter lack of privacy, but she was rubbing my back and holding my hair in such a nice, nurturing way that I felt I could make an exception.

"It's okay" She whispered. "It'll feel better eventually."

Her words were so gentile especially considering I was spewing vomit in an ungodly manner. Honestly it was a bit confusing. The queen was known to be cruel, bad tempered, and compassionless. Having her care for me better than my own parents felt like something was off.

My thoughts were interrupted by another feverish wave of nausea. 

I now understand why people said not to drink too much, this was awful.

"Good girl, let it all out." The queen praised.

Did I just get praised for puking?

After some time, with lots of kind words from the Queen, I had finally finished spewing out everything I could and was feeling better. My throat was on fire, and my head was throbbing, but I wasn't nauseous and could finally see straight.

Never again. I thought, but being realistic that was probably a lie since drinking was the most fun I'd had in awhile.

"Feeling any better?" The queen asked while she continued to rub my back in just the right way.

I nodded, not feeling up to speaking.

"That's good. I'd bet you'd feel even better if we got off the floor. Come now, let's get you in bed and we'll get you some tea for your soar throat."

How did she know my throat was soar? Sorceress! 

She lifted me once more, catching me off guard, and carried me to the bed where she carefully set me down. A maid then entered the room after her, holding a towel and a basin of water. Unexpectedly, the queen took hold of the bowl and towel, surprising both the maid and me.

"Could you kindly bring us some chamomile lemon tea?" She asked the maid.

"Of course, Your Majesty," the maid replied with a respectful curtsey.

Returning her attention to me, the queen dipped the towel into the cool water and placed it on my forehead, creating a wonderfully soothing sensation.

"It'll all feel better soon darling." She cooed.

I relaxed on to the bed, trusting her words. Not long after, the maid returned with the tea placing it on the nightstand. The Queen removed the towel and gracefully helped me sit up, having me lean against her on a pile of pillows she propped up. She then poured 2 cups of tea, adding an ice cub to one. She gave it a moment to melt a little, before bringing the cup to my lips.

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