Chapter 2: A Piqued Interest

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-Earlier that day-

~~~~~Queen Amira~~~~~~

The royal tea party vexed me. It was a boring affair mandated by tradition. I had tried to get out of it multiple times, but my advisors always whined "It's important for the Queen to show comradery with the noble ladies." Bullshit. Most of these women were terrified of me. I could care less about "comradery" with those spineless housewives.

My days were either stressful or boring. These tea parties were both. You'd think as Queen I would be able to put an end to these pointless events, but unfortunately even I couldn't deny the dangers of throwing away tradition. The nobles would be infuriated if I got rid of their precious tea parties and as powerful as I was, I didn't want to chance a rebellion over something so stupid.

The tea party began as normal. All the noble ladies were scared of me, kissing up to me wherever they could but too afraid to talk to me for too long. Even the proud duchesses sitting at my table would not look me in the eye. How boring.

I shifted my gaze off of the tiresome conversation I was having as I was getting distracted by a young girl drawing on my castle. I should be mad, but to be honest I was glad to see something different for once. The small girl looked like she was in her teens, couldn't be more than 16. She was acting youthful, chanting nursery rhymes and drawing childish scribbles. I found it adorable, and was pleased she was able to act so juvenile, so carefree. I didn't see children often, and the ones I did see were too terrified to go near me. The girl was acting brazen, misbehaving at my tea and she seemingly was regressed in front of me. I had never had any interest in children, but watching this display certainly piqued my interest.

"Oh heaven's. I'll call the waiter to apprehend that girl. To think she's acting in such a way in front of your grace." Duchess Maradyke said worriedly as she followed my gaze.

"Leave it be. Let's continue the tea, I'll deal with her later." I said, my eyes only briefly leaving the girl.

I watched curiously as the girl sauntered into the castle, intrigued by what she planned to do next.

To my dismay, she was in the castle for quite some time. What could she possibly be doing in there? I thought to myself. When she finally came out, she was skipping in an ungainly manner. Why is she so uncoordinated now?

I was shocked to see her pull back Marquise Gwendine to climb up on her table. How could someone so tiny and unremarkable be so bold? You would think she was an emperor of a mighty nation! I didn't even know who the girl was, she must've been a mere Count's daughter and she was taking stage at the royal tea! I should be infuriated but I was so amused.

"I am a wild and free spirit! Hear me roar!" She shouted.

Inside I was rolling over with laughter at the girls' antics, but outside I was maintaining appearances, standing and crossing my arms, trying to keep a stern expression.

As all eyes fell on the girl, she started to dance and make piano sounds. She was frantic and all over the place like a fish out of water. The party was filled with noble ladies welding authority and power too scared to so much as speak in front of me, and here was this small frail girl dancing on my tables. I couldn't help but let a chuckle slip from my cold exterior.

Sadly, the girl was starting to stumble a bit. I grew panicked at the thought of this poor innocent girl hurting herself, but before I could stop her, her foot caught on the table cloth, causing her and the tableware to fall down hard on the ground. I started marching over, looking serious but in reality I was worried for the girl. Duchess Briar then came out of nowhere and aggressively pulled the girl onto her feet, whispering something at the girl. What a wretched woman! I fumed internally.

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