Chapter 5: Furniture from Hell

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"We should head back inside, it's getting dark and your room should be ready by now." The Queen said breaking the silence.

"Why do I need a new room, the room I was sleeping in seemed just fine." I asked.

"You'll see." She spoke ominously, holding out her hand once again.

This time I decided to just take her hand, maybe if I was more compliant I could convince her later. As we passed by guards and maids I couldn't help but blush at their curious faces seeing the Queen and I holding hands.

Why are they looking so much, haven't they seen the Queen holding hands before? ...Well probably not, but still, it's rude for them to stare so much!

"Relax, they'll get used to it soon." The Queen commented, seeming to have read my mind.

They might, but I won't.

After too many hallways and stairs, the Queen finally opened the door to my supposed new room. I was immediately assaulted with pastel colours and baby furniture. The walls were a light turquoise with faint pink detailing. There was a white crib big enough to fit me in the centre of it all mocking me with its poofy blankets which looked way too soft. I would normally enjoy the softness, if I didn't currently want to use them to suffocate myself. Next to the crib was a rocking chair, a bookshelf, and a really fuzzy carpet.

How did she even get all this done? It hasn't even been a full day has it?! 

"It's still a work in progress, but it has everything you'll need." She stated.

Oh God. What does work in progress mean?

"T-This can't be real." I gapped, not believing the lengths she had gone to.

"Oh believe me, it is. From now on this is your new room. I hope you like it."

Like it? Was she serious? I honestly couldn't tell if she was being genuine or spiteful.

I couldn't deny it was a beautiful room, but I was 19, a grown woman. I couldn't possibly be sleeping in a crib! 

"M-My Queen, this is..." I began trying to find the words out of my shock.

"Your majesty dinner is ready." Eissa, the maid from earlier interjected, appearing out of nowhere.

"Perfect, thank you Eissa. Let's go get some food in you." Said the Queen while grabbing my hand and bringing me along with her.

I was still at a loss for words, I was so angry but had no idea how to properly express it, especially without running the risk of angering the Queen. I had already pissed her off once and that seemed like more than enough times... but not arguing with her seemed impossible. Normally, I had no trouble hiding my emotions, but this seemed too much for even me to handle. I was not going to sleep in a crib, there was no way in hell. I refuse.

The queen walked us into the dining room and at the head of the table waited two seats; the Queen's chair, and another matching wooden chair that looked quiet peculiar. It would match the other chairs perfectly if not for the wooden tray that came down onto the armrests confining it's prisoner. In short, it was a me sized high chair sitting as close as possible to the Queen's chair. My face turned beat red with anger. What the actual hell!

I tried to walk to a different normal looking chair, but was stopped immediately by the Queen. She pulled me back towards the chair and lifted up the tray while ushering me forward. 

I dug my heels into the floor before she could sit me down. "No! Stop!" I shouted, trying to get far away from the chair.

"What's wrong love? I had this nice chair made especially for you and you really need to eat." She said trying to guilt me into sitting down.

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