uncle dewey

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the train ride was only a couple of hours, Aurora had read most of the way there

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the train ride was only a couple of hours, Aurora had read most of the way there.

Her favourite book at the moment was 'the seven husband of Evelyn Hugo'

she grabbed her phone texting her mom that she arrived before sliding it back in her pocket. Missing the texts of her childhood friend Mindy.

Aurora quickly got off the train and started walking towards the trailer sight.

She was walking through the main town of woodsboro reminiscing about the good and the bad. She missed living her, the town held a lot of her childhood memories however held the bad ones too.

Once she arrived at the trailer park where she knocked on the metal door.

The older man opened the door with an unpleasant smile but it flipped in seconds upon seeing Aurora. "Dew dew" the blonde screeched just like her younger sister had this morning.

"Bumble-bee" he gleamed back, the man has become quite depressed after the divorcee with Gale and he believed Aurora may be the only person on earth that could ever make him smile again.

"I've missed you" she spoke before quickly running into his chest. "Miss you too bee"

The nickname 'bumble bee' occurred when Aurora was chased by one and accidentally ran into Dewey when she was 2, from then on he found out she was Sidney cousin and vowed that he would protect her.

Especially with how she looked and acted like Tatum dispute not being related.

They both entered the trailer where he said about having a couple errands to run. "that's fine, I wanted to go see Mindy and the gang for a bit anyways" the teen spoke with joy at the thought of seeing, Tara, Mindy, amber and liv.

"Need a lift?"

"No it's okay, I'll use my bike. Got the key?"

He threw the key towards her which she caught swiftly

They both went off their own ways, Aurora using the bike she kept chained to Dewey's trailer.

Once she arrived at the Meeks-Martin residence, she quickly headed towards the door banging on its lightly.

The door suddenly swung open and before she could even let out a hello she was tackled to the floor in a hug from Mindy.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming" the girl screamed out "calm it Meeks, I wanted to surprise you." She giggled, both getting up off the floor.

"Are you here come because of my text? Cause if so that's incredibly stupid." Mindy asked with curiosity. "What text, I haven't been on it in a while" the blonde spoke in curiosity.

"Wait so you don't know?" the taller girl asked "know what? You're scaring me Mindy. What's going on?" Aurora rambled in concern.

"Tara got attacked last night." Mindy said in a low voice, as it still pained her to think of her friend hurt. "what? What do you mean attacked? By who? Is she okay?" Aurora carried on rambling, fear for her friend racking through her body.

"She's fine, she pretty beaten up though. We all saw her an couple hours ago, just before sam arrived." Mindy replied "You never answered one of the questions who did this to her?" Aurora was in such shock she didn't know what was even going on anymore.

"She's at the hospital, it's pretty bad. But roro..Tara was attacked by someone in a fucking ghost face mask."

And in that moment Aurora thought the world around her officially froze. The feelings that she has finally started to get over, the nightmares that were dying down suddenly started rising agin. Oh fuck she thought to herself.

Aurora felt like she was having a heart attack. Her breathing was labored and her palms felt sweating. She felt it would burst, her heart. She couldn't think anything, only that her chest might get crushed any minute and her heart might burst open. She remembered this feeling all too well, the day after the attack her Sidney was constantly holding the girl as she was having a panic attack.

Mindy noticed the signs and pulled her into a hug, Auroras face upon her chest so she could hear her heart beating and match the sounds.

Mindy brought the girl inside, Auroras phone rapidly going off. She brought it out now having calmed down before she saw 5 missed calls of Dewey and multiple texts "where are you?" "Have you heard?" "Are you okay?". Well looks like Dewey's found out.

She quickly dialled his number "hey dewdrops, I'm at Mindys" she said her voice low due to her breath only just catching up with her.

"You okay bumble?" He asked noticing her voice sounded off. "Yeah, I just found out." she said, tears threatening to fall from her emerald eyes. "It's okay bee, I'll be there soon" he said before hanging up the phone.

Mindy and the girl walked into the lounge where Chad was with liv. "Vivi" Aurora now grinned wanting to forget what she had just found out. The pink haired girl jumped up and pulled the girl into a hug as soon as she was released she was pulled into a bear hug by Chad.

Everyone in the group saw her as the baby with her being the youngest, being born in July has its perks of summer however your the last.

"Hey Dewey's here" liv shouted as she saw the light blast through the blinds.

"Hey mind, can I leave my bike here until tomorrow?" Aurora asked with a small smile, pleading with her green eyes. "Yes of course dory" Aurora rolled her eyes, she truly had too many Nick names.

This one came out after it being one of her favourite childhood movies and everyone in the group thought she acted alot like baby dory in some weird way.

The young girl hurried out towards the car. "Hey rory, you okay?" Dewey asked with concern, knowing how much can effect a person. "I'm scared" she whispered, looking down at the floor of his car.

Tears falling down into her grey cargos, creatinv dark patches upon them. He pulled her into the side of him, the middle part of the car stopping him to pulling her into such a comforting hug that she would never want to leave it.

"I think you should go back home bee.." Dewey said scared that anything could happen to the girl he loved so much. 

"No no dew, i cant leave you and my friends." The blonde muffled into his jacked. He signed knowing she wouldn't leave now. They finally pulled back from the hug and he began driving to the trailer.

"you know your moms gonna flip when she finds out and storm down here for you?" He said with a light glance at the girl not wanting to take his eyes off the road for too long.

"Yeah I know" the girl said in a low hushed voice, she didn't want Sidney to come down her but she knew her mom would if she was there or not.


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