Chapter 1: Birthdays and a letter...

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Third person pov,

《Time skip to 11 years old》

Caroline was playing with Renesmee while everyone was setting up for her 11th birthday, as they were playing and Jacob was watching over us but mainly over her.

A snake was slythering through the grass and it was about to attack Jacob and Caroline being Renesmee's best friend she knew how much she cares about Jacob so she told the snake to stop and leave, after she told the snake to leave it did, and almost as quickly as it left, Bella came running up and said. "Caroline, some old man, is here to talk to you, he said something about he knows your mother."

"My mother? Alright.. Ren, I'll be back." Caroline said as she got up, and ran to the house, and then walked inside. "Hello, who are you? And how do you know my mother?"

"My name is Dumbledore, and I had sent you a letter this morning, I came to see if you got it, and your father asked about the school and if it was safe and I of course said yes. Anyways do you want to come get your things? We just need to write back to Professor McGonagall and tell her that you are going. After all, you are an heir to one of the houses." He winked chuckling softly, only making Caroline look at him confused and then look at Carlisle, Eloise and Esme basically asking them what Dumb, said.

"What do you mean I'm an heir?" She asked.

"Just that my dear. One of your ancestors helped create the school, that's part of the reasons why you and your sister need to go to this school." He said, making her look at him a little less confused then before. Dumbledore then looked at Eloise. "Did you not tell your daughters?"

Eloise looked at him sighing softly. "I didn't think they needed to know..."

"Okay...when are we going to get the things then?" Caroline asked, somewhat ignoring the conversation between her mother and Dumbledore.

"We need to go today and get your things..." He said standing up and holding out his hand for her to hold. Then replied to Eloise. "It would have been great for her to know."

Carlisle and Esme raised an eyebrow at the old man, Eloise being a witch had already knew this day would come sometime. "Sir, I think she'd be more comfortable with someone going with her...." Carlisle had said with a hint of protectiveness.

"Yes, yes, of course. Who shall go with her?" Dumbledore asked, Rosalie stepped forward as well as Eloise.

"We'll go with." Caroline smiled happily when Rosalie and Eloise stepped closer, and then Caroline grabbed their hand and Eloise grabbed Dumbledore's hand because she didn't trust him being near her children- let alone near a child she had heard about what happened in the wizarding war she didn't want to be in the war so she had fled to America to hide out which is how she met Poseidon and then Carlisle, and before everyone knew it they were engulfed with black smoke and ended up in some alley way that Dumbledore had called Diagon Alley, as we were walking around, Rosalie and Caroline was looking in awe, while Eloise was looking with some fond memories.

♡Camp Half-Blood♡

Sheila was having her breakfast, and a letter was dropped onto the mainly empty table that she sits at- it only has her and Percy, anyways an owl was sitting on her shoulder as she read the letter. "What's it say?" Percy asked.

"Apparently there's a school for witches and wizards?" Sheila asked and showed Percy what was on the letter. "I mean, I already knew I was a witch because my mother told me when she'd come visit, but I didn't know that there was a school for it..." Almost as soon she said that, a woman in an emerald green cloak and robes, and Chiron walked over to them and looked at Sheila.

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