Chapter 3: The boats and The Sorting Hat

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Sheila's pov,

After the train had stopped, we were told to leave our stuff on the train, so we all did, well except for the small things that are important to them. Also known as a phone to my sister 'I can't have a phone because of being a demigod, and something about it being easier for monsters to find us.'

Anyways after they got out of the train, we saw a big half giant that Harry said was named Hagrid paired us all in a group of four, Hagrid paired up Hermione, Harry, Ron, and some kid name Neville.

I just hope Caroline isn't stuck with the Malfoy kid, because he might not live long enough to even talk to his father.

But as perusal, once someone thinks something it comes true, Hagrid called up to the next boat, Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, and Caroline Cullen. She hesitantly got in then crossed her arms annoyed, I was paired up with someone named Susan Bones and two others.

Everyone else got paired and then got in a boat, after we all got to land, Hagrid had somehow found Neville's toad in his boat, and eventually everyone surrounded the entrance and the doors swung open to show Professor McGonagall, she has a sterned expression on her face.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said.

"Thank you Hagrid, I will take them from here." McGonagall opened the door wide, and the entrance hall was so big that you could possibly fit each one of the Gods and Goddesses in here. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors.

We all followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor. I could hear a lot of kids voices from the next room, I looked over to my sister whom was just glaring daggers at Malfoy again, I rolled my eyes at that and wondered. 'what did he do now.. '

Professor McGonagall took us to a small room and told us. "Welcome to Hogwarts." Then she told us about what houses there were and about the sorting and said that it was about to begin.

After she said all that she left to gather everything I'm guessing, I went over to a nervous Harry and Ron to ask what was wrong, and Ron replied that his older brothers told him that it was supposed to be a test, causing me to laugh. "And you believed him? And I'm worried too, but not for me, mainly for my sister."

As we were talking, and waiting for Mrs. McGonagall to come back, two ghosts seemed to be fighting about something, after they noticed those the seen about twenty more afterwards going through the back wall. The two that were arguing were talking about someone named Peeves.

Nobody answered.
"New students!" Said one of the ghosts, smiling around at them.
"About to be Sorted, I suppose?"
A few people nodded mutely.
"Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" Said Friar. "My old house you know. "

"Move along now.." A sharp voice said making me notice that McGonagall had came back. "The Sorting Ceremony's about to start."

All the ghost floated away and into the opposite wall.
"Now form a line," Professor McGonagall told the first years, "and follow me." Sheila got behind her sister.

When they all walked into the Great Hall everyone stared in wonderment, it kind of made me think about the dinning area at Camp Half-Blood the only two differences is because one there's nothing to burn the food to the Gods, and two we're inside a castle! But the somewhat unusual thing about this Great Hall is that there are candles all over the ceiling, and somehow that was enough to see.

Harry must've been looking up at the ceiling as well because Hermione spoke up and said. "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

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