Chapter 2: Platform 9¾

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Cullens at England

Carlisle pov,

Eloise, Esme, and I were talking when they had gotten back and we had each decided to move to England, so that Caroline and Sheila could go to school without having to worry about a flight going back and forth, so the plan is that the Cullens go to school again, while the girls was going to there school so they wouldn't be the only one going to a school.

Caroline and Sheila had been catching up for hours and Renesmee had felt a little jealous that Sheila was taking up all of Caroline's time. "Honey they are twins, and haven't seen each other at least 11 years, it makes sense why they are hanging out so much. Please relax and be patient, I'm sure after everything will be situated things will go back to normal."

"Normal? What's normal? Despite the fact that she's half vampire Caroline is aging slowly for some reason....I didn't age like a regular human." Renesmee said annoyed. "She was my friend, and I'm losing her because she has her sister?"

"Ren...your not losing me, think of it more like you are gaining both another aunt, and friend...Ren, would you like to come with us to see us off? We need to leave now..." Caroline said softly to Renesmee.

Renesmee looked at her and sighed softly, then looked at Sheila. "I know she's your sister but hurt her and I'll eat you." She said, making Sheila gasp slightly.

"I wouldn't ever hurt her!" Sheila said immediately afterwards.

Renesmee nods after a while, and smiled softly. "Good, and yes Car, I'd love to go."

We all took Caroline and Sheila to the king's cross station, and then Caroline had overheard a rude man, basically bully a young boy by calling him stupid then leaves, Caroline, Eloise, and Esme was about to run over and attack the man, but Jasper used his powers to calm them down so they wouldn't cause a scene, causing Caroline to sigh and flip off the man that was driving away. "Hey aren't you that boy that we kept meeting? My name is Caroline Cullen and this is Sheila Cullen-Jackson what's yours?"

"Um, hi I'm Harry Potter, uh, do you possibly know how to get to platform 9 and 3/4?" Harry had asked us, but we shook our heads no- well all except Eloise whom knew where it was and how to get there but as she was goingto explain, a red headed family came out of no where and was alerting them to the direction of the platform by screaming the platform name. We all followed and once we had made it over to the family they introduced themselves as the Weasleys, two of the boys had already went, then then one of the Weasley boys showed us how they do it. I assumed it was going through the wall but I wasn't sure to be honest, so I didn't ask. And then I got my answer when the Weasleys went through and then Harry followed.

Caroline, Renesmee, Rosalie, Sheila and the rest of us walked in and then Caroline and Sheila told us bye then hugged us all, Emmett picked up their trunks as Sheila and Caroline held their pets.

Caroline pov,

We soon stopped at Harry's compartment and asked him if we could sit with him and the answer was yes, so we sat down and as I was sitting down I saw two twins helping Harry.

After Emmett finished he left, the red haired boys asked two questions, first was our names- well mainly Harry's, but they didn't seem to decline the knowledge of our names so after Harry said. "Harry Potter."

"You mean..." they both look at each other. "As in the boy who lived?" They asked him, and then he nodded, showing them a weird lightning bolt looking scar.

The two boys looked at each other then said one word that shocked me because we all three said the same thing at the same time. "Wicked!"

They smiled at me and I smiled back at them and one of them grabbed my hand and playfully kissed it. "Your name ladies?"

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