19- First Time

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As the car found its way on the road again, it drove down the path in the night; the car's interior dimly lit by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. Will's fingers danced with the two figurines he attained from the Happy Meal- A superhero and a criminal. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony; almost like he was in that exact situation right now, perhaps he should get a cape to defeat Mike.

The ravenette couldn't help but glance at the small boy from time to time, amused by how engrossed he seemed with the kids' toys. He couldn't deny that the childlike essence remained oddly endearing as he watched the brunette pretending to engage the figurines into a little battle on the dashboard,

"Hey Will, are you sure you're not having too much fun with those toys there?" the ravenette smirked.

"Well I need something to do in this car! What else would you want me to do?" The small boy complained.

"I don't know... talk perhaps?" Mike suggested

"With you?" Will stopped playing with the figures, "Yesterday you threatened me to shut up and the day before you tried to kill me!" he smacked his lips,

"Yeah, well that was the past!" The ravenette smiled, "But you do really like playing with those toys, don't you?"

The brunette shrugged uncomfortably, feeling as though Mike was judging him, "I mean... they are kinda fun I guess."

"Fun?" Mike chuckled, "You practically haven't put it down since we left the gas station!"

"Oh my God! Hop of my dick!" Will whined feeling a bit insecure as he placed the toys on his lap, "Let me play with my toys."

"Fine... fine! Just take care of little me!" The tall boy added again keeping his eyes on the dimly lit roads,

"I wish I could rip off his head... but then I'd have nothing to play with." the small boy muttered

"Please can we not damage little me?" the ravenette scrunched his face

"You should be lucky I haven't ripped your actual head off!" Will scrunched his nose,

"So dramatic!" Mike rolled his eyes, "I don't think you could hurt me even if you wanted to."

"Oh I could... I'm just handcuffed." the brunette huffed

Despite the tall boy's criminal history and kidnapping; oddly, there was a light heartedness to their banter; a weird sense of friendliness between them, born out of the peculiar situation they found themselves in; although that didn't mean they were anywhere near being friends. To the small boy this was all an act to build up a sense of camaraderie to lower Mike's guard and strike when the time is right.

Although Will must admit, the teasing was a distraction from his own thoughts and the looming fear of what Mike would do to him once they reach California; he's never even been out the state of Indiana: let alone all the way across the country.

"You know... you're actually the first person I've ever kidnapped!" the tall boy announced proudly.

Will was shocked by the revelation; what was Mike doing when he stole the taxi? He had a bunch of money and a pair of handcuffs so it would be anyone's guess. The brunette was taken aback but then sarcastically replied, "Oh wow! What a great honour!"

Road Rage; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now