25- Working At The Car Wash

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After taking a last gulp of her juice and patting her lips dry with a soft napkin, the doe-eyed girl broke the comfortable silence, a bright grin on her face, "You wanna continue washing the car?"

Will agreed with a smile, he was used to washing his dad's car when he was at home, but he would always have to do it alone while his father would regularly berate him for missing a spot or accuse him of scratching the paint; even when the scratches obviously could not be done by a simple sponge. This was different however, right now, he had El helping him, both joking and telling dumb stories as they set off scrubbing and cleaning the car with newfound energy. The sun burned bright in the sky; casting harsh shadows onto them and the water splashing around as they worked together in harmony.

As they scrubbed, El began sharing some amusing anecdotes about Mike; all their conversations seemed to revolve around the tall boy, and Will didn't know why the doe-eyed girl kept talking about him, but considering the stories were funny and heartfelt, he liked listening to them; although sometimes it felt like she was talking about someone completely different. The brunette found himself giggling as El explained her stories, finding himself surprised how much she could lift his mood.

"He's actually a bit of a neat freak," El explained with a grin, moving to clean the side windows, "I remember this one time when he freaked because I accidently spilled popcorn in his car. He never allowed anyone to eat in his car after that,"

The small boy chuckled, repeatedly trying to remove a stubborn stain on his side of the window, "Really? I wouldn't have guessed." he said,

"Yeah," she said with a playful grin, "He went into like a panic mode, and I saw him vacuuming the car at like midnight when we returned home!"

Will smiled, still trying to remove the stubborn stain but to no avail. Stopping, he realised the times he had eaten in Mike's car, "I actually wouldn't have known that you know, I've actually eaten in his car before... twice."

El raised an eyebrow stopping her cleaning, "Really?" her lips twitched to a subtle smile, "He's pretty adamant about it!"

Will nervously chuckled, sensing that something might be wrong, "I was handcuffed, so it must just be that he was lazy and didn't want to uncuff me." he rambled,

The doe-eyed girl smile grew, unable to be seen through the tinted windows, but doesn't press the issue, deciding just to agree, "Well, I guess that's always plausible... you must be a neat eater considering he wasn't vacuuming the car last night." she chuckled the last words.

The pair continued washing the car again, taking their time; it was a hot spring's day and they aimed to have a chilled-out day; well as chilled as possible, considering the brunette was technically still a captive.

El walked around the car to the side the small boy was on, dipping the sponge into a soapy water bucket. "Hey Will," she smirked, "Do you wanna know some juicy Mike gossip?"

The Brunette furrowed his brows, "Umm sure," he mumbled, not knowing what this gossip would entail; honestly, it could be anywhere from Mike's silly childhood to all the murderous crimes he had committed, hoping it was the former.

"Well you know, how he's got this big tough guy persona going on..." she giggled looking both ways, "He's actually a big softie."

Road Rage; Byler ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang