Madness Combat Incidents - 001A

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The animation starts with several I33t agents carrying some boxes and crates out of a truck into a building. Suddenly, Hank jumps out of the last crate and kills the agents with dual Berettas. He goes into the building, and kills more agents in the next room, discarding his empty pistols for an axe.

In the next room, after killing several more agents, Hank notices a giant blender. with his hands trembling, He exclaims "OMG." He then turns on the blender and repeats the phrase while covering his nonexistent mouth. He then starts throwing agents into the blender with the axe until a Mag Agent: V2 enters. "I wonder," Hank ponders, and then throws the axe at the Mag Agent's torso. He leaps onto his face and gouges one of his eyes out with a Bowie knife, then asks the infamous question, "Will it blend?". The animation then cuts to Hank stomping the Mag Agent into the blender. The animation ends with Hank saying; "SATISFACTORY"

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