Spanked by mommy and daddy

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Victoria was back in the corner of her bedroom, sniffling as she heard the rhythmic smacks of a paddle hitting her brother's soft unprotected rear.

"Owww twelve daddy, I'm sorry!" She heard Jimmy cry out, followed by about five seconds of silence before the next swat. "Aaahh thirteen, I'm sorry daddy!"

"Vicky, how many does Mommy give you as a warm-up?" Damian questioned her daughter.

"Till we're crying," the girl replied cheekily. And sort of truthfully, she realised once she thought about it.

"Well that doesn't help," she heard Damian sigh. Jimmy was a bit of a crybaby of late. Even scoldings seemed to get him to open up the waterworks. And it wasn't even the fake kind of crying!

Damian gently ran his fingers through the boy's blonde mane. "You know daddy has to paddle you, sweetheart, you don't want getting whipped or caned cold. Even with the oil, it helps if you had been pinkened a little."

"O-okay daddy," Jimmy sniffled. Oh, it was humiliating having his former rival in this position! Be paddled hard by the handsome creep who swept his beloved Alice off her feet and... now he has to call him daddy?

Though in a sense, the word has become easier to roll off his tongue these days. Perhaps it was practice or...Stockholm syndrome. Jimmy gave him a look and his lips wobbled.

He was so big. Strong, classically handsome. And potentially a future King of the Rothschilds manage to win enough seats through their various political parties. Damian was a supremely talented politician, soft-spoken but stern when he needs to be and a charmer. He was so good that even Jimmy sometimes cuddled up to him while watching TV.

But he had nothing on his sister of course. Victoria practically informed Alice of her plans on marrying daddy once she was allowed to be a big girl again, much to her amusement. Vicky was practically his pet, fawning all over him. Daddy's little girl through and through.

Alice had countered that by saying she would be marrying Jimmy then...which almost got the boy to have a stroke!

"Alright, eyes forward. I'm gonna give you seven more and then it's the corner for your little bum." Damian leaned to kiss his cheek. Jimmy was his heir and Damian wanted to ensure he was loved and happy. Both he and Alice knew why he was so standoffish with them but Damian didn't care. Jimmy was now his little boy and he wanted to be the best daddy he could be.

He raised the paddle and bought it hard on the boy's butt, now aiming for the sit spots. He didn't know how his wife would deal with him but he needed to diffuse any misunderstanding between her and Jimmy. If she were to take him out for the penance...

Jimmy would be dragged out to the woods, to the clearing where there was a  kneeling stone with soft cloth straps. The statue of the goddess lay in front of the errant child, her breasts exposed and in position, for them to suckle if they stretch their necks.

The parents would tie them down and begin the whipping. Seventy-three lashes. That was the sentence. Damian knew the number quite well. Seventy-three lashes of the black whip.

He had been taken out for penance over fifty times and every time, he had to be revived with smelling salts at least four times. Each three of the kids have gone there over the few years they had them. Harry was the highest of the new generation with nine while Vicky had eight.

Jimmy was therefore relatively inexperienced with only three. He was a good boy, always trying to stay out of trouble, but for the loyalty he has to Harry and Vicky. The three times he had been taken to the penance by Alice...well...Damian couldn't get him to open up for a week.

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