Raising your ex husband

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"So your mommy used to be your *wife*?" Billy asked Harry for the fourth time. The little one still couldn't fathom the statement. "But how?"

"Ex-wife," Harry corrected his cousin as he tried to get an advantage in the Smash Sisters game they were playing. Billy, Harry realised was stupidly talented at it to the point he barely could keep up with him. "I got divorced around the time Mommy...I mean Robin found me cheating with Vicky."

"Oh," Billy paused his line of thought, focusing back on the game as he swatted Harry away with a heavy attack, ruining his combo and getting his cousin to swear in annoyance. "WAIT, VICKY?" Billy gasped! Their cousin?

"Uh huh, Robin caught us banging on the sex swing with a dildo in each of our butts," Harry replied casually as he went for a devastating hail Mary combo... and realised it connected easily.

"Yay! Eat shit, Billy!" He yelled out loud. Finally! He had been trying to beat his new cousin for over three hours by this point. He looked at him with a big smirk to realise Billy was in shock.

"You slept with Vicky?" Billy squeaked, ignoring the rest of the details as his brain refused to process them.

"Oh," Harry blushed. "Not...really, I never *slept* with her as much as had lots of kinky sex and left before Robin found out. 'xept with Vicky being the dummy she was-and still is- she went around blabbing to everyone about it. And Robin found out. Turns out me and Vicky sleep together more *now* than before after mommy and aunt Alice put us down for naps. Kinda ironic, really."

"B-but..." Billy blushed. How could he be so casual about this? "Isn't aunt Robin mad?"

"What? At cheating on her?" Harry shrugged.

"No, I'm madder at you *swearing* and talking about sex like you're a big boy, Harold Robin Rothschild!" Robin's annoyed tones cut through the air like a whip.

Billy let out a comical squeak. When did aunt Robin come down from the pools?

Harry turned around, shivering at the words. Especially as he knew Robin was just as likely to swap out the metaphorical whip with the real one Aunt Emily had placed in the living room.

"Uhhh... I was just 'xplaining our family dynamics to Billy, Mommy." Harry whispered cutely.

"Hmm... don't think I heard you call me Mommy before, was Robin till now," Robin glared at the two boys wearing their matching purple drop-seat onesies with the family crest embroidered across the chest. Robin in contrast was wearing her red bikini, having been up by Emily's private pool on the top floor getting a tan.

"Because you were Robin then, mommy now," Harry grinned and went over to her for a quick hug.

"Is that so?" Robin smirked when he hugged her. She couldn't help showering her little ex with affection, the cute little thing! Her hand immediately went to pet his hair.

"Uh-huh, and I was past Harry then, not baby Harry you love forever and ever and wanna hug and kiss and do nothing else!" Harry knew this would never work if they were alone...but Billy was with them. Robin always got gooey when she had eyes on the pair, subconsciously wanting to be a good mother to her former husband instead of what Harry referred to as "the vengeful torturer ex".

"Baby Harry gets more than hugs and kisses," Robin gave him 'the look'. "Baby Harry also gets to have mommy's milk. But then again, you're not baby Harry. Baby Harry's not allowed to swear or tell his sweet little cousin about all the icky sex you had with your other cousin."

"That was old Vicky, new Vicky's an idiot who gets me in twouble!" Harry pouted.

"Old Vicky was the same," Robin laughed, scooping the boy up. "And don't try wiggling your way out of your punishment little man." She turned to her new nephew. "Billy, where does your mommy keep your swearing soap?"

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