Meeting Harry

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Emily giggled as she heard Billy's little whines which gradually increased in volume. "Stop fussing little man or Mommy will find an alternate use for the hairbrush," she warned and got the boy to stiffen his pose.

He was facing her, straddled on her lap as Emily brushed his beautiful silky smooth hair. "I think this is the perfect length, you don't need it too long," she bit her lip, trying different styles as he began to squirm again.

It had only been two days with Miss Emily being Mommy and some things felt familiar for Billy. The physical intimacy was the biggest change, however. For the boy growing up bouncing around foster homes, a woman who cuddled was such an alien concept.

Emily practically did it all day!

She was dressed in an elegant white floral top which showed plenty of her cleavage and her hair was beautifully parted down the middle. He now realised that her red juicy lips, ones which he fantasized over back when they were in school were natural, no lipstick needed. She did not use any makeup- in fact and she looked as radiant as she was back when she taught him.

The change was mostly on his end. Mommy preferred to dress him in simple solid colour T-shirts with cute writings on them. Yesterday was red with the words 'Lil boy' and today it was cornflour blue and said 'Pwopety of Mummy', something Emily found adorable. He also had matching shorts which went to his thighs, super soft expensive cotton that he loved against his skin.

"Mommy, enough," Billy chanced a little whine after another five minutes of using the hairbrush for its intended purpose. It was close to lunchtime for the pair and they were waiting for aunt Robin and her son Harry to come. Billy was surprised mommy didn't spank him in the morning so immediately after he said the words he stiffened.

"You're so fussy!" Emily sighed. "Alright fine but I don't want you to act up when aunty Robin's around, got it? You don't wanna get her whipping you."

"She will spank me?" Billy gasped at the words. He wasn't expecting *that*!

"If she chooses to," Emily admitted. "Your aunts and uncles and grandparents can technically spank you anytime they feel you deserve it. Almost always they won't," she pointed out sensing his distress. "I'll usually be the one who spanks you, they will just tell me if you misbehave but Mommy will spank extra hard if you act so bad you get your elders to ask me to punish you."

"Do you spank Harold the Blood King?" Billy asked his mother.

Emily pursed her lips. "He's Harry, not Harold the Blood King but Harry Robin Rothschild. Just like you aren't William Gregory Salifa anymore."

The boy blushed at her comment which pleased her.

"You're forbidden to ask him about those times unless you have both your aunt's and Harry's permission," she continued. "As far as we're concerned, that is his past life. It is important to know about each other's past lives, otherwise, I would've forbidden you from completely asking but we have to show respect for their private lives. And that especially means asking permission from aunty."

"Is she mean?" Billy asked fearfully.

"A little," Emily smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "You can go play for a bit then, I'll need to order some food for the four of us. Chicken tenders sounds okay?"

"Uh-huh!" Billy nodded brightly, leaning to kiss her cheek as she taught him all day yesterday. He mostly had her milk till now so solid food was quite welcome.

"Good. I'll order from Frey's. Auntie said Harry's probably gonna be having salty milk for the day but I'll get some for him as well."

"Salty milk?" Billy gasped as he slid down her lap. "He's in trouble?"

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