Tasting milk

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Both Billy and Harry watched in shocked silence as Emily and Robin peeled off their tops and their magnificent breasts came out in the open.

Harry had seen the sight before of course but it never failed to impress the boy with how amazing his aunt's breasts were. Even his mommy's, ones which he considered perfection couldn't compare to Emily's pair sometimes. Emily's were so big and round and yet so firm.

"Wow Emi, you've grown bigger," her little sister complimented her licking her lips. The group had retreated to the master bedroom after lunch and a short rest.

"Of course they're bigger, I've finally got a hungry little munchkin to feed like you and Alice," Emily grinned, admiring her sister's breasts. It looked as if someone designed the perfect pair of breasts and attached them to Robin. She leaned down and took Robin's right breast in her mouth, gently biting down and running her tongue across the pebbled-up nipple as warm delicious milk filled her mouth.

"Mmm.." Robin moaned, rubbing her sister's scalp. "Tasty?"

Billy just looked at his cousin, beet red and totally confused by the whole thing.

"She's just tasting," Harry giggled at his cousin's expression before turning to Emily. "And don't finish! Mommy's mine!"

"Ah come on baby, let your aunty taste mommy for a bit," she loved how Harry always pretended to be jealous whenever Alice or Emily suckled her. "How is it Emi? Special flavour made by our company. It's what Alice uses these days, extra milk production and super sweet for the twins."

"I can see why Harry's gotten a lot chubbier now," Emily grinned, unlatching from her and wiping the excess milk from her mouth. "It's delicious, by the way. Though might be too much milk for Billy considering my boobs are bigger. He tends to be very sleepy after his feedings."

"Then you'll need your dear little sissy to drain some of those excess milk so Billy won't get fat," Robin lowered her head to kiss her sister's big proud breasts, latching onto drink from her.

Emily hummed and looked up at her son, now completely red and not understanding what was happening. "What's the matter, baby? You're jealous of sharing too?"

"Vicky's the worst when it comes to sharing," Harry leaned to explain to the boy. Billy knew Vicky- Victoria- was his only female cousin and she seemed to be quite the diva from what Harry told him. Vicky's younger twin was James or Jimmy, he was the super genius of the group.

"Do adults share too?" Billy asked in confusion.

"They like to do this to make us jealous," Harry explained before looking over at the pair of women. "And it won't work! Billy doesn't even like your ugly boobies, he's more of a butt guy!"

"Hey!" Billy was shocked his cousin would say that!

"Oh pleeease Harry, like you know my baby boy better than me!" Emily clapped back playfully, "I had to cane him multiple times for staring into my cleavage back when I taught him."

"Well... still shouldn't tease us like this, 'specially Billy. He's still a *new juvie*," Harry countered.

"It's *precisely* why we tease you," Emily replied, turning to her son. "A new juvie is what we call the recently turned boy or a girl, one who still sees their mommies and daddies as sex objects. Your brains are still an adults so you see things as a man would, and that right now is two topless women suckling each other's breasts."

"I still see that and I'm a *settled boy*." Harry pointed out. He could appreciate the sexiness of the scene even though for him it was just his aunt and mommy tasting each other's milk, something they often did whenever they buy different types of lactation pills.

"There's nothing wrong with intellectually finding either of us sexy or attractive, boys. This helps in normalising nudity and seeing your mommy's breasts and feedings," Emily was looking at how her son was reacting. He was a hormonal teenager when he was turned, far different from the more mature Harry who was in his sixties when he was changed back.

The problem was hormones. Older teens like Billy were often hit the hardest when it came to deageing. A lot of their pent-up hormonal behaviour got trapped in without any release once their puberty got suppressed. Emily didn't have any problem with him yet but in the case of her cousins and her kids, those tiny terrorists got into mischief of truly biblical proportions!

So she was deeply concerned with Billy. Especially as he seemed to be warming up to Harry... and the Rothschild trio were still in a quasi civil war with the two kids of her cousin as to who could cause the city the most damage. Right now the Rothschild -Mountbattens, her cousin's kids were ahead at thirteen billion in damages.

"I don't..." Billy was hoping he'd be left out of this conversation but Mommy had those long uncomfortable pauses that he felt the need to fill up. He was indeed feeling pent up at the whole thing.

Robin however knew just went to diffuse the situation. "It's delicious Emi, very creamy. Billy's certainly getting chubby if you don't have him exercise enough."

"I know...but it's hard with him cooped up in the flat," Emily admitted.

"Well there's another way we could work some of the tension out," Robin smirked, turning to her son who whimpered seeing her eyes.

"Harry, take out Mommy's belt."

"Awe," he whined cutely, walking over to kiss each breast before unbuckling and removing her belt. "Can't you have kept your girly time go on a bit longer?"

"No, I don't want my milk to be drained by my sister when I have a bad sad sore boy to feed." She guided him to the side of the bed.

Billy, who was too busy watching the pair did not see that his own mummy had taken the pre-bared boy on the other side of the bed and bent him over, each kid facing the other.

The two sisters smiled at each other. A tandem whipping soon followed, leather belts cracking merrily over twin glutes of their adult-turned little ones. Emily was the less coordinated of the two, going for intensity over elegance while Robin was more of a painter. She coloured Harry's extra chubby butt an even shade of Alice's lipstick, keeping that colour in her mental image as she tried to get his butt to the closest approximation of that redness.

Both kids soon broke down crying. Billy was the first to crack, around ten strokes his breaking point. Emily was also whipping harder...which she would always do, the boy would learn. A teenage 'new juvie' got their brains confused seeing attractive men and women in suggestive framing and the pent-up aggression needed an outlet. Sports worked a bit, exercise and keeping them intellectually stimulated minimised the intensity of the *"troubles"*, as their mother called it.

But nothing worked better than a full-on belt whipping.

The leather crackled merrily, Emily listening to the tone of his cries. The squeakier, the better. And by the time she got to thirty licks, Billy was practically a mouse.

Harry needed a longer session. Billy was nursing on Mommy's other breast as he watched Robin give Harry his hundredth lick, followed by a vigorous hand spanking. Only then was he allowed to drink from his mother's breast.

"Alice said that was what Vicky got, a hundred with the strap and a ten-minute handspanking. These two have paid the price for their mischief yesterday," Robin explained to her sister, both relaxing with their babies sore and sorry and hungry.

"Will you be repeating the lesson?" Emily queried. She was in an odd place, being a new mommy. Emily realised she needed help with raising Billy. Both Alice and Robin had their mother teaching them the ins and outs of raising troublemakers.

"We repeat every weekend for two weeks," Robin rocked Harry.

"Good thing you just got a mandatory session, right Billy?" Emily cooed to her son who she realised had fallen asleep.

"Huh, guess you do make too much milk."

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