A Happy Face...

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A.N.: Hello everyone!! Addressing you from a different fanfic this time (wow, shocker). My next quartet of chapters for Wings of a Wizard will be uploaded sometime soon (sooner than you think). 

It just occurred to me that I forgot Knut in all of this...LMAO. Let's just say that Stormy's shove knocked him unconscious and he's in a wall somewhere. 

Don't worry, I'll bring him out to react later on. 

 X       Talking/Text

X        Phoenix's voice

'X'     Thoughts

X        Lines & Descriptions from Fate

Chapter 3: A Happy Face...

After some snacking and discussion, everyone resumed their seats. 

Bloom now sat next to Aisha and Stella, with Flora, Tecna, and Musa on the outer seats of their row. 

The Trix took back their usual spot, as did the Specialists, Heads, Daphne, and the Peters parents. 

Now that we are all ready, I think we should resume. Phoenix vanishes in a burst of light, followed by the theater darkening as the screen comes back to life. 

The next shot is a closer look at the rotting, mauled skin of the shepherd. 

"It's fresh." A professor comments. 

The camera moves over the bloodied and mangled arm past the man's face, which looks to have been raked apart. 

"Could be a wolf." 

The camera shot shifts to show Dowling and the Specialist's trainer, with the balding man that was with Terra at the beginning stepping up to join them. 

"Or a bear." the trainer muttered, running through possible scenarios. "Could have gone out to protect his herd. Got surprised." 

The balding man stepped closer and knelt next to the defiled body. 

He got to work, then said, "I'm happy to continue the guessing game, but--", he pulled out some of the rotten, bloodied flesh from a massive wound in the corpse's neck. He puts it in a cloth, then looks up at the other two with fear in his tone. "This is char residue." 

"So...that's how they identify them as victims of the Burned Ones." Saladin mused aloud. 

"If nothing else, is this valuable information we should save to the archives, as a 'what-if' scenario," Griffin suggested. 

The trainer glances quickly at Dowling before looking back. Dowling takes a deep breath. The baling man looks back down at the corpse. 

"How long since the last sighting?" the trainer asks as he crosses his arms. 

"About two decades." the baling man replied as he took more samples for study. 

"Sixteen years. Rosalind was relentless."  

"Rosalind?" Faragonda frowned, her brows lifting in surprise. "My niece?" 

Saladin shrugged. "Who knows? We are looking at a parallel reality from our own corner of the multiverse, after all." 

"Things will be different." Griffin agreed. 

"Could've been hiding--" the trainer started, but was interrupted by Dowling. "She killed all the Burned Ones." 

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