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"You look beautiful Wren!"Drew says."Thank you".

North takes my hand and I look at her."There will be people from Callister that will be at this party"."Does it look like I give a fuck?".

"Good on you for owning your sexuality North!"Artemis says.North rolls her eyes and Malia smiles.

I intertwine our fingers and North smiles."I can't take my eyes off you"I whisper.

"I look good huh?Someone may want to take me from you"."There's no way in hell I'm going to let that happen".

I kiss her hand and she smiles brightly."If I didn't know any better I would think that you are protective of me".

I roll my eyes as we walk into the club.I've never really been a club person.I've always been a house party kinda person.

Always been like that since I was in high school.

We get to the corner and I sit down.North goes to sit down beside Malia but I grab her waist.I pull her into my lap and she gasps.

"What the fuck are you doing?"."What does it look like I'm doing.You deserve to be in my lap".

"And why do I deserve to be in your lap?"."So people can know that your mine".

I smirk and wrap my arms around her waist.I kiss her shoulder and she leans back.

"We need shots.Yesterday was the birthday girls special day!"Artemis yells."Look at that,we are all good".

I move my ear to Norths ear and say "Remember when I said your titties were my favorite part of your body"."Yes, I remember getting mad about it".

"Welll you should've said non-sexual".She turns around and say "And if I said non-sexual what would you have said?".

I stare at her as she looks at me interested.Every look North Lombardi did made me wet.Whether it was her smiling at me.Laughing with me.Her pissed off.

Fucking anything gave me a reaction.But every time I looked at her the only thing that I could think about was-.

"-You're beautiful eyes".

Her eyes widen and she looks at me with a unrecognizable expression.


I cup her face and say "I can't be certain what color they are specifically but I love them.They remind me of the the ocean"."And when I think about the ocean, I think of Grandpa Carrington taking me on his boat every summer.Its my favorite thing to do with him".

She gets up and straddles my lap."You know that's all you had to say?"."But my favorite sexual thing? Definitely your titties".

She rolls her eyes and says "And you just ruined the moment".

She goes to get off my lap and I pull her back down."No I like you on my lap.Reminds me of our amazing sex".

North laughs and says "And who thinks about sex all the time now?"."Me obviously.Have you seen what you look like".

North smirks and says "Are you admitting that I'm attractive?".

Not Just Rivals (Callister Academy 2)Completed)Where stories live. Discover now