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At practice
"For your information,I happen to fuck like a pornstar.Right, Red?".

North stops putting on her shoes and looks up at me."I fuck like a porn star.You fuck like some sex crazed teenager".

I smirk and say "you want to test that out?We haven't had real sex since my injury.Want me to show I can still do what I do best?"."I'd rather you not".

I roll my eyes as she stands up."Alright ladies let's get to the field.And Sammie stop asking about me and Speedy's sex life".

Sammie frowns sadly and I shake my head annoyed.I look over to see Serenity and Drew talking in corner.

Tatum was glaring at Drew while River is trying to talk to her.I grab my crutches and follow North out to the field.

I was about to walk up to the bleacher when North stops me."On the ground bleachers, blondie".

I glare at her but still sit down on the side bleachers.She tells River to start then with warmup before walking over to me.She grabs her bag and takes out another small bag.


I look at her confused and open the box.It was filled with all of my favorite snacks.I slowly look up at her as she clears her throat.

"I notice you get hungry during these practices so I packed some for you"."Are you trying to get me stuffed me up like Santa Clause?".

"No.I'm trying to make sure you aren't hungry.Besides Astrid, You look beautiful no matter what you are"."So you would love me if I was a turtle?".

She rolls her eysss and turns away."And I'm done talking to you".

I laugh as she walks back over with the cheerleaders.My phone buzzes and I look down to see it was a text from Mama

Ma❤️❤️❤️: Princess can you do a favor for me?
Me:Anything Ma
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Well..I need someone to watch Knox for the next week?
Me:Is everything okay?
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Yea princess.It's just your mom is taking me to a show in France and we will be gone for a week
Me:Mom has been taking you a lot of place..is there something you aren't telling me?
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Of course not.I just need someone to babysit Baby Knox
Me:Yea mom.Of course I'll do it.When are you dropping him off?
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Is Wednesday good? Me and your ma have a plane to catch that night.
Me:Yea no ma that's perfect
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Are you sure it's not too much to watch Knox?I mean with your injury and-
Me:With cheerleading kind nonexistent right now other than watching practices,I need something to keep me busy.And trust when I say Knox will do that
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Oh trust me I know.I haven't had sex with mom whenever Knox is around especially since that time he walked in on humus
Me.Oh mom he wasn't the only one that walked in you two have your little ..what did you used to call it when I was little?
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Our massages😂😂
Me:Yea ma I wasn't that dumb of a kid😂😂.Anyways I'm fine doing it trust me.Beside I get to spend time with my baby brother and I'm always fine with that
Ma❤️❤️❤️:Alright well thank you for this princess.I love you❤️❤️😍😍
Me:I love you too Ma🥰🥰

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