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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Happening: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#

December 24th 2004 9AM

As Mikey helped Emma with the raspberry pie and Christmas cookies, Grandpa Sano was busy getting their presents. Both siblings made 150 cookies all together for both friends and family. It was really hard work and it took them 4 hours. Not including oven time. The pie only took 30 minutes. Also, it not including oven time.

Meanwhile, with Takemichi* 1PM

Since it was Christmas Eve, Takemichi's mom was baking Christmas cookies. Instead of a huge amount, she only made 30. She nor her husband liked cookies. Takemichi didn't exactly love them he just liked them. He planned on eating them with Mikey half-half.

He then remembered he had to clean his room. His room was messy because of yesterday's snacks. He picked up all the chip bags and pillows on the floor. He later got to broom and swept.

After he was done, he took a nap on the couch in his room at 1:35pm.


Mikey and Emma finished giving the last homemade decorated cookies to their friends. They were finally done. Sadly, Emma couldn't rest yet. She had to wrap her presents, which she forgot to do. While Mikey was taking a 30-minute nap, which he set a timer for.


Mikey just woke up from his nap to find his grandfather and sister sleeping peacefully. Emma had barely gotten any sleep, so it was safe to say she would wake up in the morning. His grandfather was probably tired, too. And he knew Takemichi's parents visited their siblings. So it was safe to say they wouldn't go back home until 1am. It was probably one of their last times hanging out like teenagers before they had to act like again adults.


After Mikey showered and got ready, he got on his motorcycle and drove to Takemichi's house. He brought along cookies he stole from the cookie stash for Christmas Day. He doesn't think Emma would notice. After all, it's not like she counted them.

*15-20 minutes later*

He arrived at Takemichi's house house. He immediately noticed all the bright decorations.He rang the doorbell with the bag of homemade Christmas decorated cookies in his hand. A few minutes later, an ocean blue-eyed boy opened the door with a bright, wide smile spread across his face. He was very happy to see his boyfriend here. He ran over to hug him. Takemichi: "Mikey-kun!!" Mikey: "Hey!" He said, letting go of his lover's waist. Mikey: "I brought some cookies Emma and I made!" Takemichi: "Oh, I also have some cookies my mom made. Anyways, wanna see the Christmas tree I decorated?" Mikey: "Sure."

As soon as Mikey walked into the house, he saw so many Christmas decorations.

He felt like he walked right into Santa's workshop. Takemichi: "Uhm, don't mind the decorations. My mom loves Christmas." Mikey: "Wow, this looks beautiful!" Takemichi: "I know, right?" Mikey: "Mhm.." Mikey said, zoning out and looking at the beautiful lights


After they decided to go up to Takemichi's room, they were eating the cookies while watching the news. Fortunately, Mikey loved cookies and ate most of them.

After Mikey cuddled Takemichi while he was on his phone playing Candy Crush.


Since Takemichi had a TV in his room, they both wanted to watch Home Alone, Takemichi prepared some tea.

End of this chapter^^! Tysm for reading! Also, it's my birthday today :D! I'm probably uploading this at 12 a.m. have a nice day!

《My Childhood Lover ♡❤️♡》//Mitake//Where stories live. Discover now