Super Duper Fly

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The turtles Lizzie April and splinter leave the building

Lizzie: sorry we couldn't help you get your story

April: it's ok seeing you guys make so many mistakes just to get people to like made me realize I was definitely doing this for the wrong reason

April walked in a different direction then the turtles lizzie and splinter


The six of them arrived at the shipping graveyard in Staten Island but there was no one there

Mikey: maybe they decided to just like give up and go bowling again

Lizzie: no I have a feeling they're here

The lights turned on and all the mutants were there

Super fly: she's right! We're just one step ahead of y'all

Leatherhead: scram!

Mondo gecko: hey what's up bros and sister?

Leo: stay back!

Donnie: back up!

Splinter: I don't want to fight another mutant but I will

Super fly: y'all just won't quit huh?

Lizzie: we'll never quit or give up!

Super fly: really? What is it about these humans that you love so much

Donnie: humans are complicated creatures they're good like April and bad like Lizzie's mom who tried to turn her back to a human

Lizzie: which I don't want because I love being a mutant now!

Mondo gecko: you do?

Lizzie: yeah!

Donnie: exactly! and there's that lady who milked us

Wingnut: sorry did what now?

Splinter: as much as I don't like them and trust me I do not like them if we kill them we are no better then they are

Leo: I refuse to accept that you all are cool with brutally killing all of them it just can't be your awesome! Your fun!

Mikey: your not killers look at you!

Lizzie: Mondo your a hugger remember?

Mondo gecko: but it's the only way we'll be accepted

Raph: no!

Mikey: we accept you!

Leo: you could come live with us! We accept you! Lizzie you can stay with us to!

Lizzie: you really mean that?

Splinter: yes there's plenty of room!

Ray Fillet: I kinda don't want to murder everyone on earth I just want to kinda sing

Lizzie: hey so do I!

Wingnut: yeah that's a good point I'd rather not murder tons of people cause like what if I'm haunted by the faces of the victims in my sleep?

Lizzie: none of that is worth killing people

Leo: murder is heavy burden

Mondo gecko: bro you'll really let us live with you?

Mikey: of course bro!

Mondo gecko: bro?

Mikey: bro!

Super fly: what the hell y'all doing? Stop this Kumbaya I love each other stuff. Kill those fools

Mondo gecko: uh no... we don't want to do this and really I don't think we ever did! We just didn't that there was any alternative but now that we met these dudes we see there is! So let's just stop and vibe!

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