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Lizzie heard her phone ring and she answered it

Lizzie: hello? This isn't a good-

April (on the phone): hey! What am I looking at?! What happened to the whole stop super fly thing?! Are we not doing that or what's up?

Lizzie: oh man april we have a lot to tell you! But first do you have any idea on how to stop that thing?!

April (on the phone): uh well I... I actually might have something. Meet me at the leg of the thing we're all looking at

April hung up on the phone

Leo: what did april say?

Lizzie: she might have a plan

Leo: got it. Let's go!!


The turtles Lizzie splinter and the mutants made it back to New York City and April caught up to them holding a blaster

April: this should turn that thing back into animals!

Lizzie: s-so it's like a cure?

April: yeah exactly!

Raph took the blaster and aimed it at super duper fly

Raph: ok come on you got this Raph

Mikey: close one I hope that helps

Raph: shut up

Lizzie: also don't miss!

Raph: yeah I know

He shot out a canister with the cure in it and it hit super duper fly

super duper fly: what the hell?

Donnie: we did! It's actually working!

Raph: I think I got it! We're good right?

One horse was cured and ran away

Lizzie: oh frick...

Super duper fly: that's it? One little horse? I don't need that horse. It looks like y'all want to die now

He threw a trunk towards all of them


She threw her scythe at the truck which cut it in half but exploded when the two pieces of the truck landed on the ground

Leo: LIZZIE!!!

Leo pushed Lizzie out of the way from being hit by a car. they both landed next to Raph Donnie and Mikey

Leo: Lizzie snap out it! Are you ok?

Lizzie: I-I don't know...

Mikey: where are the others?!

Donnie: where's dad?! Where's April?!

Leo: he has to run out of cars eventually!

Super duper fly was right next to a parking lot

Leo: oh come on!

The five of them ran off and Donnie picked up the blaster again while super duper fly just kept throwing cars at them!

Donnie: that was a Mercedes!

Leo: and a Tesla! Someone's mad about that!

Lizzie: that one's a classic!

The turtles and Lizzie hid in a bus

Leo: i think we lost him

Lizzie: we can't hide here-!

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