Chapter 5

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To say it had been a frustrating night for Sylvie would have been a major understatement. After Alexa had untied her and quickly left, the brief but intense experience was all Sylvie had been able to think about. She had tried to watch some TV, but the next morning she had no idea which shows had been on, let alone what had happened on them.

On her way to work, she had to actively focus on driving and not on the encounter with Alexa. The feeling of being tightly tied up, comprehensively gagged and put in a position of total submission in front of Alexa was the realisation of a fantasy that Sylvie hadn't even known was a fantasy of hers until a couple of days ago. Now it was almost an obsession. She had gotten a taste of the fantasy, but not for long enough. Alexa had intended to leave her wanting more, and without doubt she had achieved that goal.

When she arrived at the fire house and entered the engine bay, Sylvie noticed the rear doors of Ambo 61 were open, which told her that Alexa had shown up early, and was getting the pre-shift inventory check done. As far as work was concerned, which was something Sylvie had to make sure her mind stayed focussed on now, particularly regarding Alexa's performance, that was a good sign. As Paramedic in Charge, there was going to come a point where Chief Boden asked her if she thought Alexa was the right person to join 51 permanently, or if she should be moved on. That decision had to be entirely professional, not personal.

"Hey, Brett. You good?" Stella Kidd asked when Sylvie entered the locker room. Stella was just finishing getting changed for the shift.

"Hey. Good, thanks. How was your night?"

"Long, and frustrating. I was working at Molly's. One of those nights where there seems to be a few too many drunken idiots. How about you, good night?"

"Ugh," Sylvie groaned. "Ended up in front of the TV, not even watching it. A waste of a night."

"It happens," Stella said sympathetically. "How's it going with Bliss?"

"I like her," Sylvie said with a straight face as she opened her locker. "We're getting along, and her work has been to a good standard. By the look of it, she's already in and working on the inventory."

"Hmmm. I'm not convinced yet."

"You don't have to be," Sylvie pointed out in a friendly tone.

"True," Kidd conceded. "Ambo 61 is yours to run. I know you wouldn't tell me how to run my crew. Sorry, Brett."

"Don't apologise, it's fine. Just give her a break, huh?"

"I'll try. Honestly? Don't like the way the men have been fussing around her, even some of the married ones. They're like pigs around a trough."

A bit of jealousy, Sylvie thought. Odd, because Stella was a great looking woman. But then, Alexa was still in a different league. "That's hardly her fault, Stella."

"Hmmm. It is if she encourages them. I think she plays up to them. Anyway, I'll talk to you later."

"Yep," Sylvie said cheerfully. She wondered why she felt the need to defend Alexa. It was hardly as if they were in a relationship or something. No, that wasn't anything to do with it. Stella had been too harsh, that was all there was to it.

When she was changed into her work attire, Sylvie went and got herself a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, which she had eaten by the time she got out to Ambo 61. Sure enough, Alexa was in the back of the ambulance checking the inventory. She was dressed in her work clothes, with her hair in a simple ponytail. Yet to Sylvie she still looked liked an absolute temptress. No, a goddess. A goddess who she would happily kneel in front of.

"Oh, hi," Alexa said sweetly, greeting Sylvie with a smile. "Last night was fun."

Sylvie looked around to make sure no one was going to overhear them. The coast was clear. "I can't believe you did that!"

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