Chapter 6

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Sylvie was in quite a state before Alexa even opened the door of her apartment. She couldn't quite believe the effect the goddess had on her. Something in her brain had fundamentally changed. Before Alexa had started at 51, Sylvie hadn't even been into women. Now she was prepared to totally surrender herself to one so long as she got some sexual reward for it.

The door opened, and Alexa stood there in her paramedic uniform, including the jacket and even the black gloves that she favoured wearing on shift. That certainly wasn't what Sylvie had expected to see. But the beautiful smile on Alexa's face figuratively put her in a trance nonetheless.

"Hello, Sylvie. I'm glad you're here. No doubt you are too. I could tell how hard today's shift was for you to get through. Come in."

Oh God, Sylvie thought. Despite how she was dressed, Alexa was getting right down to business. She stepped into the apartment, finding it nice, clean, unremarkable, much like her own. Frankly, the surroundings made little difference to her.

Alexa closed the door. "I figured we could order food in afterwards. I'm not much of a cook, I have to admit. Let me take your coat."

"Afterwards?" Sylvie asked excitedly as she wormed her way out of her coat and handed it to Alexa, hoping she knew what that meant.

Alexa hung the coat up near the front door, then Sylvie followed her through to living room and saw a roll of black duct tape sitting on the coffee table. Her heart rate instantly quickened even more, so much that she could feel it beating.

"Let's be honest, you weren't desperate to come here for the company or the food. You wanted to be dealt with by the goddess."

"I did," Sylvie confessed. "But I seem to have found Alexa the paramedic instead."

"Or a goddess in disguise," Alexa suggested. "Sit down, Sylvie. Would you like a drink?"

"No, thank you." As she sat down, Sylvie felt guilty. She didn't want to merely use Alexa for some kinky sex. That wasn't her style. Over the past couple of days, she had put some thought into whether a relationship might be possible for them if things went in that direction. She saw no reason why they couldn't at least give it a try. Although she hadn't dated a woman before, or even considered it, she was open to the idea. "Alexa, can I ask you something?"

Alexa settled onto the couch, very close to Sylvie. "Sure."

"What do you see in this? Is this just some kinky fun for you? Or are you interested in me?"

"Do you want me to be interested in you?"

Sylvie looked at her for a moment. "Please don't answer a question with a question. This is what frustrates me when I talk to you."

"What frustrates you? Sorry, answered with a question again."

"What frustrates me is that I'm never sure if you're being genuine with me or if you're in your 'goddess mode' where you say and do the perfect things to excite me."

Alexa grinned, obviously liking that. "Okay, I'll be straight forward with you. We don't know each other yet, Sylvie. We haven't been on a date. We haven't even spent a night in each other's company yet. Do I want a relationship with you? I don't know. Am I ruling out a relationship? No. Tonight, I assumed we were hooking up to further explore your newfound desire to be dominated. That's plenty enjoyable enough for me. And I figured we could order food in or something afterwards, like I said. Nothing serious, just an enjoyable few hours. If you want to go on a date some time, we can talk about it. But not now."

Sylvie weighed that up, and it seemed fair enough. "Okay. Indulging me being dominated is exciting for you?"

"Some people get off of being submissive, Sylvie. Others get off on being dominant. Do you know what a dom/sub relationship is?"

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