Chapter 7

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Bizarre. That was one way Sylvie could describe the previous evening. Frustrating was the other. Bizarre because after the sexual encounter she had enjoyed dinner and conversation with Alexa, and it had been a nice time. Almost a date night. On its own it would have been good, but after the way the evening had started it had felt like such a contradiction.

Then there was the frustration. For the second time, Alexa had given Sylvie a mind-blowing and new experience, only to stop in the middle of the fun. It had obviously been done on purpose, to leave her desperate for more. Alexa had achieved that, but Sylvie was determined to make a stand. Next time – hopefully there would be a next time – she did not want Alexa to stop. She wanted to be bound, gagged and pleasured until she had what she knew would be an intense orgasm. More than one, in fact.

Several times already today, before even arriving for her shift at 51, Sylvie had found herself fantasising about what had happened the night before, putting herself back into the situation. Lying on that couch, pinned down, wrists taped together behind her back, with Alexa's black nitrile gloved hand clamped tightly over her mouth. Unable to move. Unable to talk, much less call out for help. Almost unable to breathe. Totally dominated. Every time she thought about it she got hot and wet.

More. She desperately needed more.

But before that could possibly happen there was a shift to work. Work was the key word. Somehow, Sylvie had to focus on being a paramedic while being around Alexa for the rest of the day.

Entering 51, Sylvie saw Alexa in the canteen, standing with her back to the entrance, in conversation with Sam Carver. She had her paramedic pants and fleece jacket on, immediately reminding Sylvie of the previous night. Was she looking at Paramedic Bliss, or the goddess? It's Paramedic Bliss, Sylvie raged at herself as she hurried to the locker room.

Christopher Herrmann was in the locker room, just closing up his locker. "Hey, Brett," he said in his usual positive manner.

"Good morning. How are you?" Sylvie replied, glad to have something other than Alexa to think about.

"Doing good. Hey, what are you making of Bliss so far?"

So much for that, Sylvie thought. "People keep asking me that. I'm going to throw it back on you. What do you make of her so far?"

"She seems nice. A lot of sweetness and innocence about her. Only thing is, I wonder if it's maybe too much. And that makes me ask how sweet and innocent is she really?"

Sylvie desperately willed herself not to blush and busied herself in her locker so that she didn't have to look him in the eye. "Interesting comment. I'll keep that in mind. Personally, I like her. We're getting on well, and there has been nothing at all wrong with her work."

"Hmmm," Herrmann said, conceding some level of agreement. "That's good to know. But like Mouch always says when we get someone new, is she 51 material?"

"I think she is, but I haven't made the final decision yet."

"Alright. Well, it's your ambo and your call. I'm going to fix coffee. Want one?"

"Please," Sylvie said.

Herrmann left Sylvie to feel flustered alone. This had to stop. She had to get control over how embarrassed she was about the things she wanted Alexa to do to her, and about how strongly she was attracted to her new colleague. During work hours, it simply had to stop. She was a PiC with a serious and important job to do.

With a new sense of resolve, she got changed into her work attire and proceeded to the canteen. Alexa was now sitting alone at the table in the corner, drinking coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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