46 | mina is MAD (she goes off on bakugo and doesn't get blasted???)

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Bakugo didn't know what he did.

Well, he knew how it started, but he wasn't sure why Y/n has been so offended about it. Yes, he pretended to kiss her to learn about what Aizawa had told them, but it was just a joke, right? They were messing around. There was no reason to take it seriously, right?

Still, a week later and Y/n was still taking it seriously. She hasn't talked to him again since her 'good luck' message, which was two days ago, and Bakugo felt like he was about to go crazy. Not only that, but the provisional license training wasn't getting any easier and he came back with more bruises each time.

But there was no Y/n to comfort him now. Or to fuss over his wounds. Or make jokes about how beat up he looked. Or just being in his room.

He missed her.

The rest of the class didn't miss Bakugo and Todoroki's messed up faces and couldn't help but comment on it. ''Must be completely physically oriented, huh?''

Bakugo was already having a bad week. He didn't need the rest of the extras making comments. ''QUIT YER WHISPERING ALREADY, DAMMIT!''


''They're on authorized absences, class rep.''

Bakugo looked at Y/n's seat, which was empty. ''Kirishima's missing too, isn't he?'' Jirou pointed out. Great. His friend was gone, Y/n wasn't talking to him and was gone, too. Today was going to be horrible.

On top of everything, everyone was asking Deku about his internship. Bakugo was in the desk in front of him, clutching his head in anger. ''QUIT TALKIN' ABOUT ALL THE SHIT THAT'S ONE STEP AHEAD OF ME!''

How did his life get so messed up in such a short time?

Mina suddenly appeared in front of his desk. ''Aren't you complaining too late? After pestering Y/n for all the information on internships?'' Her eyebrow was quirked.

Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows. Y/n told her. Of course.

''Come with me, Racoon-Eyes.'' Bakugo stood up from his seat, grabbing Mina by the arm and dragged her out of the classroom. The whole class' eyes was on them and Iida was yelling that class was about to start, but Bakugo didn't care. Mina didn't really resist, either.

Once outside and away from the prying ears, Bakugo finally turned to Mina, his eyes narrowed. ''Why has Y/n been avoiding me?''

Mina crossed her arms. ''Can't you think of any reason why she might?''

God, he could think of multiple reasons. Hundredths, thousands, even. ''I'm assuming it's because of the Aizawa thing.''

''Woah, you're a genius, Bakugo! We should get you a medal!''

It took him by surprise. Mina was never really the sarcastic and angry type — except maybe towards Mineta — so she must be mad on Y/n's behalf, too.

''Just tell me what I did!'' Bakugo demanded, running a hand through his already messy hair. He was too tired to play guess games.

''Woah, you really are clueless, aren't you?'' Mina scoffed. ''Think about it, Bakugo. Use that idiotic brain of yours.''

Normally, Bakugo would've insulted her back and probably have blown up her face. But he stopped, lowered his gaze and thought back. Okay, so, what happened exactly? Y/n came into his room and leaned over his shoulder — he remembered fighting back his blush as her tie dangled over his shoulder — then she'd sat on his bed. Then she told him about the assembly and then she started mentioning something about work but she'd stopped, so he'd moved over to the bed with his chair. They'd been face to face — again, he was trying to fight his blush, but he could feel his neck getting warm — and he demanded for her to tell him what Aizawa had said. She'd refused and then her eyes had moved to his lips and then he'd leaned in and asked her to—

Oh. Oh. Oh fuck.

''She didn't want to kiss me, was that it?'' Bakugo asked, looking back at Mina. ''Did I pressure her into it?''

Mina's expression looked like straight out of a cartoon, her mouth hanging as if her jaw was about to comically drop to the floor. ''Are you being serious right now?''

Bakugo's anger started returning. He just wanted to know, how hard was it for her to tell him? ''No. What else could she be mad about?''

''Because you were about to kiss her just so you can know what the hell Aizawa told us! She fucking likes you and you were about to ruin her first kiss for some dumb shit that was your fault for not knowing anyway!'' Mina's face was getting red. Bakugo had never seen her this angry. He didn't even know Mina, of all people, could curse so much. ''I don't know how Y/n can put up with you! You're a dumbass jerk!''

Mina stormed off. Bakugo didn't follow, his eyes on the ground. Shit, he'd really fucked up, didn't he? How had he not realized? He was just messing around, he didn't think Y/n would take it to heart to much.

Besides, he'd wanted to kiss her. But he was an idiot.

He took his phone out and quickly opened his chat with Y/n. He noticed she'd left his earlier message wishing her good luck on read. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before typing.

Speedy, we gotta talk later.

He waited for a moment, seeing her come online. The 'read' appeared under his text bubble. The three dots appeared on the bottom of the screen, indicating she was texting back. Then they disappeared and didn't come back.

''Stop leaving me on fucking read,'' he muttered under his breath.


She came online again, read his message again and still didn't answer. Bakugo felt like smashing his phone on the ground and he was about to do it before the bell rang, snapping him out of his anger. He scoffed and pocketed his phone. On the way back to the classroom, he decided that he was going to talk with Y/n today, one way or another.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now