01| A New Week

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The moment I got a C on my quiz, I knew I was screwed.

Let me get this straight. I'm Kenna. Yes, the Kenna that won the very first spelling bee in Mount Greenville High school history.

Doing that, I became know as the "smart girl." Or as other people like to say "the try hard nerd."

You need help on a assignment? I would ask Kenna. Need some fast tutoring? Ask Kenna. I was the person people came to.

Well me and this other boy. Dylan Parker.
Dylan and me go way back. All the way to the spelling bee day. Where I beat him, fair and square.

That caused rivalry between us. And not surprisingly it's still going on.

But that all changes today....
"Kenna Torres! Get down here immediately!" I heard a high pitched lady, also known as my mom, scream.

Oh no. Oh no no. She saw the grade didn't she? I thought ready for the yelling and screaming that's going to go down.

"Coming Mom!" I yelled back. But before heading downstairs, I did my hair in a bun. My moms favorite because it made me look sophisticated, and I put on a cuter top.

Something I realized usually helps the yelling.

I went downstairs and my mom was waiting for me at the dining room table. Which was cover in papers, my test papers.

"You needed me mom?" I asked in my smart girl voice. "Kenna why did you get a C on this test?! We talked about this!" She yelled, throwing the paper at me.

I looked at it, even though I already knew what it was. My history paper. The one I didn't want to do, and decided to put it off until last minute.

"Mom I'm sorry I-" I started, for no reason, knowing that she was still going to ground me, unless I had a actual reason.

"You are a disgrace Kenna. All of this. A house, food, money, and a caring mom. And you can't even do one thing right." She said. Repeating the exact same thing she says every time I get a below B grade.

"Give me your phone and stay in your room today." She said, holding her hand out. What my mom didn't know was that I had two phones.

My best friend, Delaney, gave me her old phone since she knew how much my mom takes my phone. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and handed it to her.

"I hope this never happens again you disgusting brat." She said and stormed off into her office, probably to rant on to her mom friends about how much of a disappointment I was.

But I didn't care. It was the same thing every time. It's gotten old by now. I even have hidden snacks and drinks in here.

When I got back to my room I pulled my other phone out form its hiding place. My mom very rarely comes into my room, but just in case she does I have it buried in my pile of blankets.

I texted Delaney. "I'm grounded. Got a C. I'll see you at school Monday."

She always makes fun of how I type. Apparently I don't know how to text, only how to email.

"aw man but it doesnt surprise me yeah cya at shcool." She responded. I cringed at the misspelling.

"School" I corrected her, and then I turned off my phone. This is going to be a long weekend. I thought sighing.
"Kenna!" My mom yelled, wakening me up. I yawned. What time is it? I thought, trying to find my phone. It was 5:50 A.M. I still had 10 minutes before I had to wake up for school.

"Yeah?" I tried to yell, but it came out like a dry cough. I cleared my voice. "Yes mom?" I answered. But she didn't answer back.

"Yes!?" I yelled louder this time. "Come here!" I heard her yell back. Ugh, what did I do now? I went ahead and canceled my 6:00 alarm and started on getting dressed.

I grabbed a white "Stay Positive" shirt and blue jean shorts out of my closet."Kenna!" I heard my mom yell again. I groaned. "Coming mom" I said walking down the stairs.

"Yes mom?" I asked, wondering what I did to make her mad now. "You can have your phone back now sweetie." My mom said like she hadn't yelled at me for being "normal" two days ago.

"Okay thanks mom, I'll try better next time." I said. But I knew there was going to be another assignment I didn't want to do.

"Okay have a good day at school Kens." My mom said, barely paying attention to me anymore. I just nodded at her, but she didn't even notice.

Welp time to start a new week I guess. What could go wrong that already hasn't?

To be continued...

Welp the first (or is it second?) chapter of my second book! I really hope you are enjoying it so far! I promise It will get more interesting later on! Also sorry if this stories updates aren't  very often, school started yesterday for me so the only time have to write is at night! So please bare with me next few weeks! (Or months) Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! <3
(Word Count: 913)

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