07| Couches and Coffee

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"Yeah duh." Cameron responded. Dylan rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe we are stuck here." I said.

"Wow. You guys are mean." Cameron joked. "I'll be right back with some clothes. Um, Kenna do you mind wearing some of my clothes?" He asked.

Truth be told, I did care, but I didn't have much of a choice.

"No it's okay." I said while putting my backpack back on the ground and sitting down on the couch.

"Okay great. You can go take a shower if you want to. You can use some of my things. Also I have a spare toothbrush. Dylan you can just wash mine off or something." He said.

Dylan made a look of disgust but didn't say anything. Cameron left the room. Dylan sat next me on the couch.

"Well this sucks" I said. Glancing at him. He nodded.

Cameron came back a few seconds later with two pairs of pajamas.

"They might be a little big Kenna, but I tried to find the smallest pair." He explained. I nodded at him.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said, getting up. "Where is it?" I asked Cameron. He pointed to a door.

"Just make sure you don't twist the handle too hard on the shower or it might fall off." He said. I nodded again.

When I got into the bathroom it was surprising clean. On the sink there was a little cup that held two toothbrushes. One was still in the wrapping. There was a towel holder on the wall and a sign that said. "Flush please." I smiled.

Kinda funny how he lives alone and still has a sign.

The shower had a gray shower curtain with spirals on it.

After I got out and changed I walked out of the bathroom. The clothes Cameron lended me fit perfectly. I saw that there was pillows and a blanket laid out on the couch.

"What do you mean we have to sleep together?!" Dylan yelled at Cameron.

Wait what?

"I mean I only have one bed! Why would I spend money on two beds? Also it's only one night dude." Cameron said, rolling his eyes.

"What's happening?" I asked. Cameron started to say something but Dylan interrupted him.

"Cameron has one bed, meaning we are going to have to share the couch." Dylan said, frustrated.

"It's one night-" Cameron started.

"Dylan it's fine." I said. There wasn't a point in fighting over this.

"You agree with him?" Dylan asked, surprised.

"What's the point? It's 8 hours." I explained. I sat down on the couch. It was a really small couch.

"Exactly." Cameron agreed.

"Whatever." Dylan stated, walking to the bathroom.

"The rain was pretty unfortunate huh?" Cameron asked. I nodded.

"I didn't even know it was supposed to rain. Did you?" I asked him. A loud thunder shook the house.

"No I don't usually look at the weather." He responded.

"Same. My mom usually-" Oh wait. My mom! She's probably wondering where I am.

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