04|Sunshine Road

11 0 0

767 Sunshine Road. Be there by 11. Read Dylan's text.

Cameron:k will do dilly.
Dylan: Alright Ronnie.
Me: Can I come over now?
Dylan: Your supposed to be smart, figure it out.
Me: On second thought I'll come over later.
Cameron: lets go now we r behind already

The only reason I agreed was that my mom was having her friends over and I would rather deal with "Dilly".

"Mom, I'm going to Delany's house." I lied.

"For what? You know I am having guests over today. So unless it is important you are not allowed to go." She said while washing her hands.

"We have a history project together." I lied again.

"On what?" She asked, trying to see if I was lying.

"She failed the test we had yesterday so we are doing a project on the Bill of Rights to raise our scores." I said with no hesitation. I already had a lie planned out.

"Hm, so if you called Delaney she would say yes?" She asked. Luckily I didn't panic.


"Call her for me then." She said. I pulled out my phone. Before my mom could see I sent a "SOS M" message. She sent a thumbs up in return while I deleted my message.

"Hello?" Delaney answered.

"Hey. I'm on my way to do the project." I replied.

"Okay! I emailed our teacher about the 7th amendment. He said that we could google ideas about it but we can't copy. I think I have a few ideas, but you know I'm not the brightest person." She said, fitting perfectly into the lie.

"Alright we'll see what we can do when I get there. Bye" I said, hanging up.

"I'll be gone now." I said, walking out the door. Sometimes my mom was too much.
I saw Cameron on the way too Dylan's house. Luckily our neighborhood was small so you could walk almost anywhere.

"Hey Ronnie." I greeted him, laughing.

"I knew Dylan had some humor in him." He replied.

"I guess." I said. I realized he was carrying a box.

"Are those the ants?" I asked. I was so thankful that we weren't doing the project at my house. I didn't need another thing for my mom to yell at.

"Yep. I also bought a few extras just in case they die or something. Also to put them in Dylan's bed." He said, chuckling. I laughed along with him.

"I guess this is it?" I asked Cameron pointing to a yellow brick house. And yes it was actually yellow.

"Um, yeah 767? Didn't think Dylan would have a yellow house." He joked. But I agreed with him. It didn't look like Dylan's house.

It was a tall, fainted yellow, brick house. It had a few willow trees and... flowers? I was starting to think we were at the wrong house.

Cameron went up to knock and, who I'm guessing was his mom, answered the door.

"You must be Cameron, and-" She paused. Did Dylan really not tell his mom about me?

"Kenna. Nice to meet you Mrs. Parker." I filled in for her. She looked surprised.

"Kenna Torres?" She asked.

"Ye-" I started but Cameron interrupted me.

"No, that's a different Kenna at our school. This is, my... sister. Kenna Anderson." He said. I shot him a glance.

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