03| Already Behind, Already A Disaster

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"Alright you can start!" Mrs. Rodriguez said.

Cameron finally put his phone down. But then he got right back on it.

"Alright what's y'all's phone numbers?" He asked.

Dylan rolled his eyes but said his number. I followed him and started saying my number. Cameron made a group chat and said sent hi so we had each others numbers.

I decided to take charge.

"Okay I know we hate each other," I said glancing at Cameron who made a weird face. "But, we need to work together. So who's house are we going to tomorrow?" I asked. None of them responded.

"Alright." I spoke up. "Guess it's mine." I said while taking out my phone to text them my address.

"Class! Unfortunately this is all the time left for today! Hopefully you at least know where you are going tomorrow! Have a great weekend!" Mrs. Rodriguez announced.

"See y'all tomorrow I guess." Cameron said looking down at his phone again.
"Guys you'll never guess what happened today." I said on the phone to Owen and Delaney.

"What?" They said at the same time.

"So you know how we got assigned pairs today in science?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" Owen asked.

"I got pared with Dylan and Cameron..." I said.

"WHAT?!" Delaney yelled, luckily I was ready for it, holding my phone a good three inches away from my ear. Owen though wasn't as lucky.

"Ow! God Delaney." Owen pouted.

"Unless you never meant me you should of know that was coming so don't be complaining." Delaney responded

"Did you ask to change?" Delaney asked me.

"Dylan did and Mrs.R didn't say we could change," I said moving off my bed to my beanbag chair.

"Crap that sucks." Delaney said.

I made a hum of agreement sound. This was going to be a long weekend.

Me: This is Kenna. You guys can come over whenever. What works for you?

I texted to the group chat. I didn't care if they didn't want do this I'm not going to get a F on this.

Cameron: whenever idc
Dylan: Preferably after 10
Cameron: i cant stay up that late lol
Me: How about 12?
Cameron: sure
Dylan: Works for me
Me: Alright see you then.
Cameron: k

Well it was a start.

I heard my doorbell ring at 12:02.

"Coming!" I yelled, while running to the door. Cameron and Dylan were standing on my porch.

"Hey." Cameron said, glancing at his phone.

"Hi, come in." I said. Cameron came in first. I had a few books and paper lying on the living room floor.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked. They both shook their heads and sat down. Boy was this awkward.

"Alright do you guys have any idea on what we are doing?" Cameron asked us.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Dylan glared at him.

"Were you seriously not paying attention? Dylan demanded. Cameron slowly smiled. Which caused me to sigh.

The Group Project Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora