Chapter 12: Found Out

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Danielle quickly rushed over to clear up the misunderstanding, only to find no one there.

Just then, she received a text from her manager: Ms Marsh, please come to boss' office.

She took a deep breath, she was surely going to get in trouble now.

Then, her manager messaged her again: With your... associate as well, please. I'll be expecting you in a few minutes.

"I guess they want you to come too..." Danielle invited Haerin over awkwardly, extending her hand for her to hold. As they stepped inside the elevator, awaiting their doom, Danielle can feel Haerin was regretting coming along.

"I don't regret anything," She told her cat-eyed girlfriend, "If they fire me, so be it. I will always choose you over anything."

That seemed to make Haerin slightly less nervous as she smiled back.

They slowly made their way to the company's boss' office, passing through the corridor where a lot of high level executives were staring at them in their office.

Danielle knocked on the door politely, "May I come in?"

"You may," In came a stern man's voice.

There the man stood, tall and fierce. Beside him was his assistant, as long as Danielle's manager.

"Please take a seat," He pointed at the 2 chairs in front of his massive table. "I was informed that you were doing..." He scratched his head for words, "You were doing something else in the gym with this young lady here. Would you care to explain your relationship with her?"

"We were just working out, that's all," Haerin spoke up defensively.

"We were, nothing inappropriate," Danielle blushed a little bit red, thinking about how compromising their positions were. Surely, if anyone were to walk in, and someone did walk in, they would've misunderstood them for doing something else.

"What are your relationship with this young girl here Danielle?" He repeated himself, in an angrier tone, which made Haerin whimper like a kitten and slowly shuffle behind Danielle.

"She's my girlfriend," Danielle admitted.

"You are aware that as an idol, you are not allowed to engage in any relations with anyone, let alone your fan, right?" He asked, standing up now, looking down at Danielle.

Danielle faced him straight, "I am aware."

He sighed, sitting back down, leaning on his incline chair as he spun his pen around, "But after speaking with the board... We agreed that you are a valuable asset to our company, and part of our big family, so I will allow you to keep this relationship as long as you keep this relationship a secret."

Danielle was shocked to hear that the company allowed her to further her career while dating Haerin, but she thanked her boss profusely. She slightly skimmed over the fact that her boss was one of the generous donator and part of the board of her idol company, but she decided it was another problem for another time.

"Remember, no one in public should know about this." He looked at Danielle, then at Haerin, the n back at Danielle. "We need to market you as a single, and young idol. You know that's how the industry is, playing pretend boyfriends and girlfriends to delusional fans."

They both nodded, Danielle knew all too well that this was the truth in the entertainment industry. But she also knew that if she wasn't an idol, she would've probably never gotten the chance to meet Haerin, let alone date her. She would probably just be a spoiled brat under her father's rich and successful marketing cooperate.

"You are dismissed, but remember Marsh," He warned, with  Haerin, and Danielle's manager following Danielle as they excited the office.

"Whew," Haerin said, Danielle didn't notice before but her feline girlfriend was sweating and shaking right now, probably due to the intimidation and threat of the boss earlier.

"I'm just happy I don't have to lose you, or the job," Danielle smiled, rubbing onto Haerin's cheeks. "And you can come here to work out whenever you like!"

Haerin laughed at Danielle's hopeless optimism even at times like this.

At that moment, Danielle's phone rung, it was her father, "Marsh, you're in big trouble, come to the office now."

She sighed, she knew that her worst nightmare was about to come true.

"Do you want me to come along?" Haerin asked worriedly, seeing that her girlfriend was unusually tensed after the phone call.

"That would be great," Danielle nodded and patted Haerin's forearm, before the both of them headed towards Marsh Interprise.

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