Stranger Danger

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Out of all the things Zed and Addison expected to come home to, two police cars and Zevon's truck outside Zoey and Wanda's apartment wasn't on the list. Zed parked the car alongside the curb, staring at the scene in front of him.

"What is going on here?"

Addison shook her head. "I don't know, but I don't like it. Let's get inside."

The two of them got out of the car and hurried inside. They made a beeline for the elevator but an officer stopped them.

"The building is on lockdown, no one in or out. Chief's orders."

"It's alright Jenkins." A familiar face replied. "This is the chief's daughter, Addison, and her husband, Zed. It's their family we got called in for. You can let them go up."

The officer nodded, stepping out . "Of course sir. My apologies."

Addison sighed in relief. "Thank you Gus. Can you tell us what's going on? Is everyone okay?"

"No one is hurt." Gus reassured them. "Your father got a text from Zevon saying there was a strange man outside of his daughter's apartment and that he was on his way over. Dale knew Zevon wouldn't have messaged him unless he was concerned so he had us rush over. Apparently the man followed them home from the park but he had taken off by the time we arrived. We have units sweeping the area and we're getting everyone's statements upstairs."

Zed nodded, his grip tightening on the wheels of his chair. "Thank you for filling us in and coming so quickly. We should get upstairs."

"Of course." Gus said. "I'll radio Dale if I hear any news."

Addison smiled. "Thanks again Gus, we appreciate it."

The two of them entered the elevator, heading to the second floor. As soon as the doors opened they hurried down the hall to Zoey's apartment. Addison arrived first, knocking on the door. The voices inside the apartment went quiet as footsteps quickly shuffled towards the door. There was a click of a lock before the door swung open revealing Dale.

"Dad." Addison sighed in relief. "Gus filled us in downstairs. Should be worried?"

"Let's discuss this inside." Dale told her, stepping aside.

Addison and Zed entered the apartment. Dale locked the door behind them then led them into the sitting area where the others were waiting.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Kenzie cheered, wriggling out of Zevon's lap and running to them.

Addison scooped her up into a hug. "My sweet girl. Were you good for Aunt Zoey and Wanda?"

"Yes." Kenzie nodded before holding her arms out to Zed. "I want Daddy hug now."

Zed chuckled and took her into his lap, hugging her tight. "You know I'll always take a hug from you princess."

Kenzie giggled and settled in his lap as Dale cleared his throat. "As of now my officers have been unable to locate the man the girls described. Due to the fact he followed them back to Zoey's apartment, I'm going to have an undercover cruiser park outside the building to keep watch. Addison, Zed, I'm having one put outside your house as well. Wanda and Wren both feel strongly that the man's focus was on Zoey and Kenzie. Therefore I believe we shouldn't take any chances."

Zed nodded, his grip tightening around his daughter. "Thank you Dale. How long do you think this will be necessary?"

"I can't say." Dale admitted. "Either until we find the guy or its been enough time we feel it's safe. For now, I would stay vigilant and if you go somewhere have someone accompany you. There's safety in numbers."

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