Chapter 9: Headquarters*

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As soon as we entered the building, a few eyes turned to stare at us. I flinched and Serena looked nervous "So much for trying to relax..." she nervously laughed and pulled on my hand to find a quiet spot to stay in.

"This should keep them from looking at us... what's their deal?" She huffed "A city full of psychic users is a bit unsettling"

"Are you not used to being around psychics?"

"Not really" This sparked questions and confirmed answers

"Were your parents not psychics?" She shook her head and looked for some books around us "How did you learn then?"

"I didn't. That's why my powers aren't that powerful" I wonder if she had difficulties growing up. Does it depend on the type of psychic user she is? I wonder how many types there are and what are the levels of mind and soul energy stuff they have to go through

Someone walked pass me to lay a few books on the table by me "Here" he said "This should help you understand the nature of our powers" I blinked confused

"Let me guess, you read my mind or something?" He shrugged "Do you people not know about invasion of privacy?

"You're the one that's curious" that's true... "My twin sister told my you were coming"

"Through telepathy?"

"She texted me" right... now that I looked at him more, he looked like the right lady's clone in male form

"So you read minds?" He nodded

"Technically. It's connected through mind reading"

"Can you use it with other people?"

"That's what I've been doing" I was watching his eyes rather than noticing he wasn't moving his lips "My sister said you wanted to learn to use psychic abilities, but there are many different kinds that are common to learn and impossible. Impossible being that you have to be born to have this ability" I nodded "the types of psychics are in this book" he pulled out a book from the stack to show me "The common ones to learn even for you are in this book" he showed another "It's mainly used for psychic children to understand the different kinds they can control so they can practice their actual gift"

"So there's no chance I can actually do it. I just thought it would be pretty cool. I also just wanted to see how I can help my friend"

"Your friend has her own issues" he knows she has issues? "You can help her all you want, but it won't be an easy task. I believe you'll be able to pull off learning through this book so you can practice your own gift"

"I'm not a psychic user" he chuckled

"Sometimes psychic users aren't aware they have abilities. Who knows, maybe you're one of the rare ones who doesn't know? Don't take it too seriously" I slowly nodded as he left at the same time Serena came back with some books

"You've been quiet over here" she looked at the books on the table "What kind of books you find?" She sat down across from me

"Some books that were just laying around" I lied

"They look interesting" she showed me what she found "I found this book on meditation, and this book on crystals, and this book on levitation for dummies"

"Is that the only ability you have?"

"I'm pretty sure. I never heard of users having more than one gift" I showed her the common abilities book

"I wanted to learn some common abilities maybe I can do"

"Common abilities?" I opened the book to get an introduction

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