Zalia goes on a field trip to Stark Tower

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I was more late then I've ever been in my life. 

"Come on, come on, come on!" I muttered while running down the hallway of Midtown High School on my way to my engineering class. I skidded to a stop in front the door and threw open the door. Seven minutes later than I should have been there.

"Ah, Zalia Potts." The teacher, Mr. Smith, said, using my secret identity last name. "How nice of you to finally join us." I blushed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of my neck. My best friends, MJ and Peter, both glanced over at me.

"Sorry Mr. Smith. I had..." I paused, looking for the right excuse. "Lost track of time while doing a history project in the library."

"Is that so? Well, would you like to share what the subject of this project is?" Mr. Smith asked. I knew what he was doing. Trying to catch me in my lie. And it was one. No one other than the other Avengers (including Peter) knew I was Violet Light. And I'd like to keep it that way.

"It's about the invasion of New York in 2012, Mr. Smith." I replied quickly.

"What a coincidence that you were researching that." Mr. Smith said, believing me. 

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, take a seat like the rest of your classmates and I'll tell you." Mr. Smith said. I chuckled, embarrassed again.

"Of course, silly me." I said, sliding into my chair next to Peter. He turned to me and gestured to the video on his computer.


I smile at him. Not my fault some ladies were gonna get hit. And wasn't all that hard to stop it. I just had the unfortunateness of being cornered by a reporter afterwards. And I can't fly. And it was Christen Everhart. That woman is relentless.

"As I was about to tell the class before Zalia Potts interrupted me, we will taking a field trip next week." A murmur of excitement spread throughout the classroom as Mr. Smith cleared his throat. "We will be going to the one and only Avengers Tower." 

I slid down in my seat. I was so screwed.

*Time skip brought to you by someone's who's fast. You guess who.*

"Welcome to Avengers Tower!" The lady who I recognized to be named Julia said excitedly. I remember hearing that she loves giving tours to school groups so I wasn't surprised she was gonna be giving us our tour. I pulled my hat down over my face, silently begging that she wouldn't recognize me.

"If you'll just follow me, we'll get you your visitor tags and start the tour." Julia said, starting to walk towards the entrance for visitors. We started after her. "After you are issued your tags we'll see some of the lower level labs, followed by lunch in the cafeteria, and lastly Q and A with any Avengers that are present." I chuckled after she said that, considering that there were two present and she didn't know it. One by my classmates went through the metal detectors and got a visitors tag. I clasped a small bracelet I carried around that made the extra amount of energy inside me undetectable before I walked through the metal detector. Julia met my eyes.

"Have I seen you before?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged. 

"Maybe?" I replied cautiously. She looked at me for a second longer and handed me my tag. 

"Have a nice visit." She said happily. Phew, curveball number one successfully averted.

*Time skip again! Brought to you by the same person as last time. See that coming?*

"Now, for the final part of the tour, we'll be talking to the four currently present avengers!" Julia clapped excitedly. My dad (Tony Stark) and Natasha walked in. I started to panic when only two came out. Did Julia know who Peter and I were?

"Julia!" Flash yelled out. "I thought you said four."

"Yeah, where are Clint and Sam?" Dad asked Nat. She rolled her eyes and said:

"I don't have them microchipped, so I don't know. I would've thought you did."

"We'll I don't either." Dad replied. Just then, Clint burst in the room with Bucky his heels.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BIRDBRAIN!" Bucky screamed at Clint. Dad and Natasha watched as they ran by. Nat reached out and grabbed Clint by the collar.

"What happened?" She asked, glaring at them both.

"That birdbrain ate my jelly beans." Bucky replied.

"Bucky beat my record on Mario Cart." Clint added. They then looked over at us, watching all this unfolding.

"Oh. Hey." Clint said, waving. He caught Peter and my eyes and I waved back.

"Hey Zal. Hey Peter." Bucky said. Out loud. In front of everyone. Dad punched Bucky's non bionic  arm.

"What?" He asked annoyed. Nat gave an exasperated sigh. I always did say she and Bruce are the most mature ones in the team.

"Because, as Tony said this morning, you're not supposed to show that you know them." She replied before muttering something under her breath in Russian.

"You know the Avengers?" Flash asked in shock to Peter and I.

"They're my personal interns." Dad replied quickly.

"So you haven't been lying." Flash said, fascinated. I shrugged.

"No he has not been." Came FRIDAY's voice from the ceiling. Flash jumped back in surprise. I laugh.

"That's just FRIDAY." I said in between laughter. 

"She's an AI. Run's the whole building." Dad adds.

Flash looks embarrassed. "Oh." He said

So? Did you like it? This is my first avengers fanfic, but I think it's pretty good

Just some random Avengers one shots with my own made up characterWhere stories live. Discover now