Chapter 3 - Shining Beacon

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- Ruby prov-

On an airship going to beacon as I stood here with a smile on my face...
Nerves one at that, as a blond hair girl hugs me as she said, "Oh, i can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me! This is the best day ever! "

"please stop." I complained as I was being hugged by yang which made her very nervous to be here.

"But I'm so proud if you!" Yang called as she jumped around a bit

I know my big sister was proud of me for getting into beacon - early too, but i seriously thought it was nothing to get excited about.

"really sis, it was nothing.","what do you mean? It wad incredible! Everyone at beacon is gonna think you're the bees knees." I dont understand what 'bees knees' meant, nor did i care, i just didn't want people to think of me as being to young, a threat, or anything else since i got to Beacon just for stopping a robbery. "I dont wanna be the 'bees knees', i don't wanna be ANY kind of if knees!, i just wanna be a normal girl, with normal knees." I didnt really care that i sounded so down about it, it's just that i could not get my mind off the fact that i have to leave Signal early before graduating and had to leave my friends behind.

"Whats with you? Aren't you excited?"
Yang asked." of course I'm excited, it's just... "I moped, "i got ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything."Yang stood by me as she wrapped an arm around me.
"but you are special" she reassured me, as i couldn't help but smile a little. What's sisters for eh? I watched around and noticed the other first-year students who were attending Beacon this year; one boy with black and purple streaked hair, pink eyes, and clothing of green, black, gold, and white. A cheery girl with orange hair, cyan eyes, and clothing of black, white, silver, and pink. And there were many other students who i could make out, but there was not one,
but four guys who i easily recognized; aunburn hair and green eyes, brown hair and brown eyes, blond hair and blue eyes, was a black hair anf crystalline blue eyed prince - 'NOCTIS' i thought as I easily recognized him. It couldn't be... He was coming to beacon too?!

I guess Yang caught my eyes as she asked"what? Is there someone here? " i tried to deny it at first, but Yang looked towards where I was looking and noticed the four boys. "Do you know those guys? Wait is that... " Yang squinted as she tried to get a closer look of them, and noticed Noctis among them, "prince Noctis?! "

"U-um... "I stuttered, thinking of a way to change the topic, but Yang wouldn't stop. "The guy who helped you out last night and you wouldn't stop talking about?!" Ok, so i couldn't think of anything to say, so I sighed and came forward, "yeah... " "The prince Noctis of Lucis? Never thought it was that Noctis you were talking about."

Yang couldn't take her eyes off the four boys, and I was sure i heared her whisper"he's sooo hot" under her mouth (dont know which one though). "well.  What are you waiting for little sis? Why don't you say hi to him? At least to make up for any missed dates?" I blushed as red as my hood and recounted"w-wha! No! It's nothing like that! It's just... I feel like I'm not good inough to talk to him. I mean, he's royal and I'm not... " Guessing Yang wasn't having that." Dont worry Ruby, let me help you out!" Yang gripped my hand as she dragged me along with her, walking towards Noctis and his friends."Wait!  What're you doing?! Nonononono!"
I tried to stop her, but Yang can lift weights like it's nothing, and I guess she carry me like it's nothing. Noctis and Prompto were talking while the other two older guys were minding their own business. At least until they caught a glimpse of Yang dragging me towards them, with a smile and waving towards them. "helloooo"she greeted them, as she reintroduce us,
"I'm guesssing you and my sister met last night? Your highness?" Noctis and i exchanged looks before he spoke, "Ruby?, Um... Hey."
"Hi... "

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