Chapter Thirteen: The Final Truth.

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I couldn't stay here. I had to get out of here. I needed to leave, as it was all too much for even me. I had survived my parent's death, I had survived being mauled by primalupuses and discovering that my upbringing was a lie, but this was too much. To find out that my whole life was a lie and that there wasn't even anything remotely human about me. Suddenly all those visions and weird dreams had a purpose and made sense, they were my past lives and my memories. I fled out of the barn and in to the woods, in fear of what people would do to me if they knew I was an Exile; in fear of myself and what I could do. Exiles were feared by even other supernatural beings for a reason. They were known to be emotionless and ruthless. They made up the banished army of heaven's rebellion. What if now that my abilities and true identity had been unlocked, my very personality changed and I became someone else entirely.

Maara was hot in pursuit, as we both crashed through the ferns, trees and vegetation. Plants whipped me as I sped by and twigs snagged me; in my delirium they felt like bony hands reaching out to snare me and I screamed my pain and fear into the night sky. My breathing was coming fast and laboured, as I pumped my arms sprinting deeper into the forest. Maara was gaining on me as the branches seemed to part for her and the vegetation blackened and wither at her touch. Would they eventually do that with me. Would my very presence made plants and fauna wither and die. Would the intensity of my angelic glow burn things I touched, if I couldn't control it. Would I end up hurting Sam?

I stumbled and fell, having tripped over a root because my attention had been elsewhere. I tried to gain my feet underneath me again, but I wasn't used to the weight of my wings pressing down on me yet. I spun on to my back and shuffled away as she approached at a slow walk now, looking like the avenging angel with all the shadows and darkness that clung to her.

"You don't need to fear me Nia we are one and the same." I crawled away from her outstretched hand and she sighed dropping the hand.

"What can I do to convince you we are alike. Maybe I should tell you the infamous story of how it all started." She took my wordless weariness as consent and began.

"Animals and humans evolved together as one, millions of years ago and there was no distinction or difference between them in the beginning. They evolved from the smallest and simplest single celled organisms, to mighty creatures such as the apes and wolves. Each branching off in to their own species, to create new and diverse creatures, that spread around what was then called Eden; but now just known as earth. The celestial's looked down upon humanity, playing in the mud and decided to give them a helping hand. We gave them so much, from knowledge on how to read the stars and navigate, to how to craft tools and make fire. We made the humans into what they essentially are today and in the beginning of all this they thanked us, by worshiping us." She was pacing back and forward as she spoke.

"Eventually humans turned away from us and the stars. The battles they fought with each other grew into wars andf they always wanted more. More land, more wealth and bigger civilisations. They were never satisfied." By now her fists were bunched and I could feel the anger radiating off her.

"I sought the council of the seraphim, telling them that the humans were destroying Eden and soon there would be nothing left of this paradise. Even the wretched primorphs and vampyres had to retreat to the darkest corners of society. Forced to live in the shadows and then myths of humans, as they continued to conquer all they set their eyes on. The seraphim would have none of it. They wanted to let fate take its own course and the angels were all told not to interfere with freewill." She stopped to look at me for a moment.

"There were of course some angels who believed as I did. We gathered together and then as one sought to take the heavens from the serephim. The plan was once we'd taken them out, we would have control over heaven and would be free to open the vortex's whenever we want. We would be able to descend to earth willingly and send the humans back to the dark ages; where they belonged." Maara turned to me with a glint in her eyes and stepped closer.

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