Ignorance is Bliss

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Two Weeks Earlier

Mondays were my day off, so that was the day I usually spent in the park, watching the rest of the world go by, or sometimes just reading a book. I love the Roses, but sometimes those girls could be quite tiresome. At eight years old, Gracie was into exploring the world around her, often without telling anyone else. Needless to say, she could be a handful sometimes. Always exploring.

Isobel was pretty much the opposite, doing most of her exploring in the books she read consistly. I swear, she was one of the smartest people I'd ever met. Smart and sweet. Izzy could be a firecracker though, especially when it came to her sister and anything else she loved.

Those two were my whole world. So as I sat there, on a bench at the crest of the hill overlooking the park, I thought about how lucky I was to have met the Roses.

It had been three years since I had become the girl's nanny and three years since Mrs. Rose had gotten sick. I felt a change coming, something that I hoped would again change my life for the better.

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