The Big Day

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Day 1

On the day that I was supposed to report to the hospital for my treatment, I brought Izzy with me. Or rather, she begged me to go.

"So," Lindsay the nurse said as she brought me to my room. "Dr. Cole wants to get you started on your first round as soon as possible."

After she left, I got Izzy settled on the chair next to my bed watching some TV. But when Lindsay came back, she had several nurse and a gurney in tow.

I would have to have a port put in in my chest to make it easier for them to administer my treatment.

. . .

When I woke up I was in recovery with Izzy at my side, dosing in the chair next to the bed. Turning my head to look at her, I could already feel the port. It kind of hurt just to move.

"Aw, you're awake. How are you feeling." I recognized Dr. Cole's without having to look.

"Alright. A little foggy."

"Ok, well why don't you get some rest. We'll get you moved back to your room in the morning." I tried to nod. Bad idea.

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