And Then There Were Three

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The Next Day

Amy dropped Liam off at the Rose's that morning. At 5 years old, he was a welcome addition to the girl's adventures. I hadn't had the best night, so the girls settled on playing in the backyard instead of the park.

Out they went, while I stayed in and watched, free to relax for a while . I was always a little out of breath keeping up with the girls since I'd come home from the hospital.

For lunch, I made them little moon and star shaped peanut butter sandwhiches, which they ate ravenishly.

After that, the girls decided we should make cookies, sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. Both pink of course. Liam certainly didn't seem to mind. Pink, he told us (said), was one of his favorite colors. The girls beamed, happy to have found a kindred spirit.

When it finally came time for his mom to pick him up, Liam was a little distraught. And Amy looked more tired than ever. "He can come back any time." I explained as I walked her to the door. The girls smiled at that.

. . .

After I had gotten the girls to bed, I feel exhausted onto the couch. My phone began to ring somewhat violently and I jumped a little. I didn't even bother with caller ID;there were very few people who ever called me. "Hello?"

"Hello, Lauren, I hope I haven't woken you." It was Mr. Rose.

"No, sir, I just put the girls to bed."

"That's actually why I'm calling. My wife isn't doing as well as she was last time I saw her. One of the nurses suggested maybe seeing the girls might help raise her spirits. I've decided to fly home to get them tomorrow to come see their mother."

I nodded, though I knew he couldn't see me. "Of course. I'll get some of their things together and have them ready by tomorrow morning. How long will they be gone?"

"No more than a week. I have business in Europe the next week, so they will be back in your care after that." He paused. "And Lauren, I know I don't say it enough, but thank you for all you do for this family. I'm not sure what we would do without you."

"Thank you, sir. I'm happy to do it. I would do anything for those girls."

"Yes, well I appreciate it very much. Good night, Lauren."

Hearing the line go dead, I laid back on the couch and possibly--probably--passed out.

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