The Unexpected Guest

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A Few Days Later

Sometime during the middle of my second week, my session was graced by a special guest.

When he wheeled into the room during my session on Wednesday morning, I nearly jumped out of my chair (well, I would have if I hadn't been so nauseous). Today Ian Rosa was wearing a suit and tie. I smiled. "Something I missed?"

He quorked an eyebrow, obviously more than a little confused. Then he seemed to remember the suit. "Oh this?" I gave him a look, as if to say "Yes that." He smirked. "This is just what I wear for business."

"And this is business?"

"Not this, actually, I came from a meeting," he told me, as if that explained everything.

"I see..."

"My father has a company and he's been having be part of some of his recent business deals." Something like concern flashed in his eyes. "Anyway, enough about that. Are you alright?"

"Ya, I'm--" I suddenly felt sick and had to quickly find my sick bucket, turning my head so I would make it. "Better now."

"So, uh, why didn't you mention--"

"That I have cancer?" He nodded.
"I-I'd just barely been able to admit it to myself." I wasn't ready to tell anyone else, especially a stranger. "I just couldn't. I didn't want anyone's--"

"Pity. I really do understand that, Lauren. I just wish you've told me." This from the guy that I'd known for little more than a week. Such was life with a dibilitating illness, I guess.

"I'm going to take Gracie to the gift shop," Izzy told us just then.

I nodded, "Ok." I turned back to Ian. "I'm glad you know now. It gets kind of lonely at my sessions when the girls aren't here. Their Aunt thinks they tire me out too much, so she hasn't let them come here as often as they did before."

"So, are they your cousins, or..."

"No, I've been nannying for their family since college. After Mrs. Rose got sick, they needed help with the girls."

He nodded, quiet for a moment. It was nice to just sit, peaceful really, despite the chemicals burning in my chest.

. . .

Ian sat with my for the rest of my session and the day after...By the third week, he had become a regular in my room. We talked, we laughed, we told stories. And for a little while, I felt almost normal.

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