-Gone (2)-

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-Chapter 2 - 

The night sky awakens, revealing the bright enormous moon up above. Fire had engulfed the entire village, destroying what had been left from the storm. Mao hung from the well, completely unconscious. The blood on his face had dried over his swelled up wounds- being concealed by his long dirty hair. The chirping of crickets in the distance echoed throughout the forest, along with other sounds belonging to different animals and insects.

Suddenly, a downpour of rain appeared- awakening Mao from his unconscious state. He raised his head up, glancing around at the rubble and flames.

"Ugh my head." Mao groaned, swaying his head back and forth.

Looking back, slowly, at the rope around his wrists, he can spot a small slash. Meanwhile, the rain continued pouring hard around him.

"I..need to get off this well."

With one great push, the rope snapped- sending him to the mud below. Face first, he came crashing down- quickly lifting his face from the dirty muddy water. Mao comes to his feet, crashing back down to the well. He uses the brick wall from the well as support, trying to lift himself from the muddy ground.

A loud rumbling sound- from thunder in the distance- roared from above. Meanwhile, Mao had come to his feet, glancing around at the several dead bodies throughout the destroyed village. The Royal Family had killed everyone, leaving Mao to bleed out on his own.

"Oh god!" He groans, turning to his left and throwing up- disgusted by these horrific sights.

A pool of blood, holding the bodies of the villagers, lay in front of Mao. The rain continued to fill the puddle- sending a wave of blood and water through Mao's legs. He stands up straight, wiping his mouth- trying to stand in the water. His eyes, filled with despair, looked down at the bodies- spotting one that wore the clothing of his wife, Revina; a dark blue patchy dress.

"No, no, no- God no!" He shouts, pulling the body out frantically.

As he pulls her up, he notices a bunch of fabric and rubble concealing part of the face. Ripping it all away, he reveals the soulless eyes of his now deceased wife- looking right up at him. A blank expression came over Mao, staring back at her with disbelief. A village, he had lived in his whole life- now destroyed. A wife, he spent many years with, gone.

"R-Revina?" He muttered, dropping his head on her chest.

Within that moment, an anger overcame him- causing him to start punching the ground. His knuckles profusely bled out, the stones puncturing his skin. All in this moment, the face of those Rich bastards flooded his mind, as if he had taken a mental photo of them. After swinging on the ground he leaps to his feet, running towards the well and sending a hard kick straight to the base. The structure comes crashing down into a thousand little pieces. He had seen this man-made thing as a barrier that led to his failure as a protector.

Standing there hyperventilating, his eyes widened as the memories of son saddened him greatly. His shirt had been ripped clean off- revealing the slashes that Evander had made prior, tiny droplets of blood falling from the wounds. Leaning his head back, he lets out a massive scream- the cry of a warrior that can be heard for miles. The moonlight shone down on Mao's face, reflecting off of his tears.

He falls to his knees once again, looking up at the moon as the rain continues to pour down on his face. A strong sense of despair continued to eat away at the father as he lowered his hands to the ground- lifting himself up slowly. Mao's head rises, looking down a long muddy path that had led toward the West (The road the carriage had taken before)- in that moment, he takes a step, coming to a halt.

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