-Rivalry (5)-

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 Every commander standing around the table turned to the boy, Evander, after he had dropped his sword while playing with it. The King growled under his breath, mad at the Evander. He wobbles over to him, leaning down to his level. The strong smell of meat and foul body odor.

"Why do you embarrass me like this- especially in this setting?" He asks while grinding his teeth.

Evander's face drops, breathing in the disgusting odor that had been coming from his tight breeches.

"Um.. I- I'm sorry?" Evander hesitantly apologizes.

"Sorry?" Amadeus repeats, slowly turning away from the boy before he completely strangles him to death out of anger; he then turns back, "Go back to your room, at this moment. I can handle myself from here, boy."

Evander looks up at the King with fear in his eyes, slightly teary-eyed. He slides the sword into his scabbard, head down as he steps from his position and begins to walk back to his room. Amadeus turns back to the commanders and a huge smile grows on his face, his rotten teeth exposed to them.

"I am truly sorry about that incident just a moment ago. To help bring this conference to an end I would like to introduce my grandson, Alexander Antonio, a 10 year old trained musician. He will be playing a piece he has written for this very night. Now give it up, for my grandson, Herr Alexander." After speaking out to the commanders, most of the commanders looking at him oddly, they proceed to clap slowly- growing into a faster clap.

Alexander comes walking out from a side room, holding his folder in one hand and a small hard case in his other. He steps up on the platform that rests in the middle of the conference table, and stands in front of the Golden Harpsichord that sat waiting for him to play. Evander turns, hearing Alexander's name- curious about what the boy from earlier was about to play.

"Alexander? What's he doing?" He asks himself, peering over the commander's heads from a distance.

He hides behind the door, listening as the boy prepares himself- sitting down on the wooden bench. The room went completely silent, awaiting the performance. Alex's folder makes a loud sound as he opens it- pulling out sheet music. Placing it on the stand he turns to the Commander's- actually ready to perform this time.

His hands positioned over the key's, coming down into the Overture of a moderately tempoed sonata called, "Fleurs à être" Meaning "Flowers To Be". The commanders sat in their chairs, eyes shut in a somnolent trance. The soft seraphic notes touched their ears- filling them with bliss. Evander stood in the doorway, in awe.

"What an extraordinary boy, Amadeus." Governor Juno whispered softly, impressed.

"10 years old and one of a kind." Amadeus grins, turning to the Governor, "You know, The musicians in RedLand are highly trained. Alexander is in training to become a composer- suppose I ship, along with a crew of men, to your territory to train with your orchestra?" Amadeus proposed, smirking.

Governor Juno smiles, pleased by the idea.

"I would be honored to have this angel of a child playing in my theater." He crosses his legs, his black leotard scrunching between his legs.

"Excellent. I'll set everything up with my servant, Joshu." The king then shouts with a low raspy voice, "Joshu!" catching the attention of Joshu.

Joshu speed walks across the room, approaching Amadeus and Juno.

"Yes, my king?" He responds.

Suddenly, in that moment, Amadeus catches a glance of Evander in the doorway, watching Alexander play. His smile slowly forms into a tense expression, angered by the disobedience of Evander.

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