Chapter Two

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It was break time. Giddy, Dave, Kevin and Ryan sat on their usual bench where they easily watched New Light High's fat asses passing around.
"I really like that new girl in her third year. See her goddamn ass in those blue jeans." Giddy said as he took off his black sun glasses before his gang erapted into laughter, with exception of Ryan. Dave noticed Ryan's silence and teased, "Is someone becoming fuckin holy?" Ryan rolled his eyes to Dave, "You are kidding right? It's not that I'm getting holy or something. I just want to live a life free from flirts. I don't trust those sluts anymore. They'll just make you attached and mess up with your heart."

"Hey Giddy. Can I get two joints?" A certain boy interrupted. He seemed to be in his first year. He was short and his face appeared younger, unlike Ryan and his friends' who were at their last year in school.
"Sure." Giddy responded as he dipped his hand inside the bag infront of his chest, its holder hanging over his neck.

"Um... Sorry, the price rose. It's a hundred per piece."

"Uh Giddy. I'll get you the other hundred tomorrow. Okay?"

"Fuck off!" Giddy said, slowly unfolding his mid finger towards the boy.

"Okay sorry. Then give me one joint at one hundred Bob instead of two." The boy said as he shrugged. Dave, Kevin and Ryan erupted into an annoying laughter, "Little Coward!"

The boys rose and headed towards the school hall. They got served for tea and took their seats around one big table at the back of the hall. No one was allowed to sit at that table apart from "The Big Four". Who ever could risk putting their ass on that table would get a free ticket to the school nurse for themselves. Giddy was the gang leader.

"My birthday party is in a week's time. I need you guys to help me create an online group and invite all the fourth year students. Willing members will also be welcomed to contribute any amount of money." Dave said, throwing a glance at each of the boys.

"Uh...another weekend of smoking weed and sipping whiskey at the Dave's." Kevin prattled, standing up while shaking his waist in mischief.

"Come on! Stop being a freak. We are used to such shit. We are at our fourth year. Stop behaving like a fresh man." Ryan said while sipping his tea.

Ryan almost got chocked when he saw Mariana and Josh entering the hall. They were on a matching outfit. Josh was on some white sweat pants, a white puff jacket, a black cap, a black pair of Jordan's shoes and a golden chain around his neck. Mariana had the same outfit as Josh's except that she was on a pink pair of Jordan's shoes and a pink tennis cap. The entire hall got so silent that even a drop of a pin could awaken the dead.

"Oh shit, is it because I couldn't afford such an outfit with you, that you left me over that asshole?" Ryan muttered inside his breath as he struggled chasing away the tears that had already formed on his eyelids.

"Hey guys, look at those two jerks of people. I really hate them. Mariana heartbroke my best friend because of that nerd and I won't let it end in peace. One of these fine days, that fuckin Josh must get a ticket to the nurse. I'll fight him." Giddy said, his jawline shaking out of anger after he noticed the jealousy in Ryan.

Ryan's heart skipped a beat as he watched them heading to the school canteen and got themselves some ice cream and cookies. He saw Mariana hugging Josh and pecking his cheek before she could have a seat beside her friends, Mishy and Bianca.

Mariana felt happy that his boyfriend, Josh, had surprised her with a matching outfit but was still not developing feelings for him. Her mind, soul and heart were all in need of Ryan.
"Aww cute princess. You looked hot matching with Josh Daniels." Bianca said as she stood up to hug Mariana.

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