Chapter Ten

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One week later;

Mariana sat at on her seat at the back of the class. She was busy scrolling through her phone. She missed her phone, it had been a week and five days without it. She was trying to catch up with the latest trends on social media and replying the a million unread messages in her Instagram inbox, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Her eyes got glued on Ivy's posts on Instagram. "What the fuck! Ryan?" She continued scrolling and saw that Ivy had been posting pictures with Ryan the whole of last week. She examined the background on the pictures and she believed that her eyes weren't playing games with her, it was at Ivy's home. "So this dick of a person, Ryan, has been living in Ivy's home the whole of last week when I was in hospital?" Mariana muttered inside her breath and exhaled heavily. She then placed her phone on her desk. She didn't have the energy of replying those messages that she found as filth. She folded her arms as tears knocked on her eyelids. She felt like she was stabbed on her heart.

She threw a glance in front of the class to where Ryan sits. He was busy typing on his phone and she  with no doubt knew that he was chatting with that jerk, Ivy. The bell rang and Ms. Isabella, their mathematics teacher, strolled inside. 

Mariana stayed there as she listened to Ms. Isabella teaching. She didn't catch a word. She just watched at her and she seemed like she was mummering words to her. All she could see was her mouth widening and shutting. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted a talk with Ryan. She swapped her phone to open and typed;
Mariana: hey dear, can we talk please? Let's meet at the old art room after the lesson.

Ryan read the message and ignored it. He didn't want to cross paths with Ms. Isabella. She never tolerated people chatting in her class. Therefore, he closed his phone and kept it in his hoodie pocket.

Ryan was worried ever since Mariana became absent in school. He hoped that she would get better fast and get back to school. Today in the morning when he saw Mariana entering the class, he felt a heart melting joy running through his body. He was very happy that Mariana had healed and he was now free from the guilt of being the cause of a person being bed ridden in hospital. He wanted to approach her and know how she was feeling then but ego was erupting through him. He wanted her to approach him first, and if she couldn't, then he would not approach her. Nevertheless, he was thankful and happy to see Mariana back in New Light again.

The bell rang. "We are done with this topic. Make sure that you do more practices on yourselves loves, okay? On our next lesson we will learn about 'Three Dimensional Figures.'" Ms. Isabella said before taking her teacher's guide book on her table and storm out of the class. The environment was then filled with laughter, dragging and banging of seats and those weird screams that students do when they get excited for break time. Students strolled out of the class and Mariana swapped her phone again to type.

Mariana: Hey dear, let's meet at the old art room now. Please!
Ryan: Okay, get there. I will come last.


Ryan clenched the door knob and pushed it slowly. He strolled inside and Mariana was already there. She was on a pink summer dress that stood right on top of her knees, a pink pair of boots, a white cotton jacket and a pink pair of spectacles. She looked outstanding!

"Mariana, how are you?" Ryan asked as he went closer to her.
"I'm not fine, Ryan." Mariana said as she escaped an eye contact with Ryan, curved her lips and folded her arms.
"Why dear? Are you still sick?"
"No, I'm not sick. I healed."
"Then you are fine."
"I'm not, Ryan!" Mariana shouted.
"What's wrong then?"
"I love you Ryan. That's what is wrong. I love you!"
"Oh, come on Mariana. You got a boy friend, why do you want to ruin your relationship the same way you ruined ours?"
"I didn't ruin it Ryan, I..."
"I don't care! It's none of my business. Mariana, I'm not taking back vomit into my stomach. I'm done with you, Okay?"

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