YEONKAI- Love Song

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In high school, Yeonjun and Kai's bond strengthens. Kai's heartfelt song confesses his feelings for Yeonjun. The melody reflects their shared moments and growing love. Emotions bloom as they hold hands, united by the beautiful, unspoken melody of their affection.


In the serene embrace of their high school days, Yeonjun and Kai's connection grew stronger with each passing moment. Amidst the laughter and shared secrets, a deeper bond flourished.

One sunny afternoon, they found themselves on a park bench, the gentle rustling of leaves providing a soothing soundtrack to their conversation. Kai's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he looked at Yeonjun.

"Hyung," Kai began with a warm smile, "there's something I've been wanting to say."

Yeonjun's heart skipped a beat, his own smile mirroring Kai's. "What is it, Kai?"

With a slight blush gracing his cheeks, Kai cleared his throat and softly sang, "Hyung, my heart beats just for you, in every moment old and new. Your laughter is a melody so true, in every shade of sky's vast blue."

Yeonjun's heart swelled with affection as Kai's heartfelt words were transformed into a sweet melody. It was a simple yet profound expression of Kai's feelings, a song that resonated deep within Yeonjun's heart.

Kai's voice carried his emotions, the melody weaving a tale of their shared moments and the blossoming love that had taken root within him.

In the warmth of the sun, and the laughter we've spun,
There's a melody that only we've begun.
Through the highs and the lows, as life's story unfolds,
It's your presence that my heart truly holds.

Hyung, you light up my world, like a star in the night,
With your laughter and smiles, everything feels so right.
In your eyes, I see a future so bright,
With you by my side, there's no need for fright.

So let's walk hand in hand, through this journey we've planned,
With you, my dear hyung, I truly understand.
With every heartbeat, and every shared smile,
You've become my melody, my life's worthwhile.

As the song reached its gentle conclusion, the park seemed to hold its breath, the moment suspended in time. Kai's eyes were filled with a mixture of nervousness and hope, his heart laid bare through his heartfelt song.

Yeonjun's gaze never left Kai's as he spoke, his voice filled with sincerity. "Kai, that was the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Every note, every word... it all came straight from your heart."

Kai's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and happiness. "Hyung, you inspire me in so many ways. You're like a melody that brightens up my life."

Their hands met, fingers intertwining as they shared a tender smile. It was a moment of pure connection, where words seemed unnecessary in the presence of their shared feelings.

In the quiet embrace of the park, their unspoken emotions found a voice in Kai's song. The melody became a bridge between their hearts, a tangible expression of the love that had taken root and flourished within them.

Hand in hand, they sat there, hearts intertwined like the melody of their song. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving only the two of them and the timeless melody of their love, a song that would forever echo in their hearts.

I wrote this song myself so yikes if you don't like it. See you in next chapter.

Till then, stay safe. Eat cake.

Signing of YnWeasley123.

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