BEOMKAI- All a dare

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It was Kai's first day at Hanseong International Academy. It was a place for rather rich kids. He got in through scholarship. Kai wasn't poor but he wasn't as rich to afford the school either. He felt really nervous about whether people will bully him. But to his surprise, no one even noticed him, which I know sounds bad but it means he had fit in.

On his second day, he was eating in the cafeteria, alone in a corner. Suddenly, he felt a light a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a really cute boy with glasses was looking at him with his doe-like eyes.

"Can I sit here?" That boy asked. "I mean no one's really there," Kai replied. Then that cute boy sat at that table. "Your name?" Kai asked. "Oh, Beomgyu. Yours?" Beomgyu replied, ending with a question. "I'm Kai," Kai replied back.

"Are you new here?" Beomgyu enquired. "Yeah."

No one really talked after that. When they both finished their lunches, they both walked out together.

-x- Time Skip -x-

It was a bright afternoon. The sun's gentle rays streamed through the cafeteria windows as Kai and Beomgyu sat together, sharing a quiet moment after finishing their lunches. Their friendship had blossomed over time, with shared stories and unspoken understanding.

As they sat there, Beomgyu suddenly looked at Kai with a slight smile, his glasses glinting in the sunlight. "Kai," he began, his voice soft yet earnest, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

Kai's heart skipped a beat, his stomach fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "What is it, Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu's gaze held Kai's as he continued, "Kai, I really value our friendship, and I've come to realize that my feelings for you go beyond that."

Kai's eyes widened in surprise, his heart racing as he processed Beomgyu's words. "Are you saying-?"

Beomgyu's smile grew warmer. "I'm saying that I have feelings for you too, Kai. I want to give this a chance, if you're willing."

A rush of emotions flooded Kai – joy, relief, and a deep happiness that he couldn't put into words. He reached for Beomgyu's hand across the table, his own smile mirroring Beomgyu's. "Beomgyu, I feel the same way. I want to give us a chance too."

In that moment, their hands intertwined, sealing their unspoken commitment to explore this new chapter of their relationship. The rest of the day passed in a blissful haze, their smiles and stolen glances speaking volumes without needing words.

Weeks turned into months, and Kai and Beomgyu's relationship deepened. They shared laughter, dreams, and even moments of vulnerability that strengthened the bond between them. The once-shy glances they exchanged had transformed into gestures of love and affection.

But as time went on, a shadow began to creep over Kai's happiness. He started noticing Beomgyu acting distant, as if a wall was slowly forming between them. The once-open conversations became strained, and Beomgyu seemed preoccupied with something Kai couldn't quite grasp.

One evening, unable to contain his concern any longer, Kai confronted Beomgyu. They were sitting in their favorite spot under the tree, the place where their journey had begun.

"Beomgyu, what's been going on?" Kai asked, his voice tinged with worry. "You've been distant, and I can feel that something's changed."

Beomgyu's gaze faltered, and he sighed. "Kai, I need to be honest with you. There's something you should know."

Kai's heart clenched as a sense of foreboding settled over him. "What is it, Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu took a deep breath, his eyes avoiding Kai's. "When I initially accepted your confession, it was because of a dare. My friends dared me to pretend to reciprocate your feelings, and I foolishly went along with it."

Kai's world shattered in an instant. His hand trembled as he tried to process the words he had just heard. "A dare? You're saying... our relationship was a dare?"

Beomgyu's voice was filled with regret. "I know it's unforgivable, Kai. I never meant for it to go this far, but I was weak and stupid. Please understand that I didn't expect to actually develop feelings for you, but as time went on, I realized how wonderful you are."

Kai's eyes were filled with a mixture of hurt and disbelief. He stood up abruptly, the weight of Beomgyu's confession crashing down on him. "How could you, Beomgyu? How could you play with my feelings like that?"

Beomgyu's voice was strained as he tried to reach out to Kai. "Kai, please listen. I know I messed up, but I truly care about you now. Those feelings are real."

Kai turned away, his voice trembling with anger and hurt. "You don't get it, Beomgyu. You took something beautiful and tarnished it with your games. I can't believe I let myself trust you."

Beomgyu's eyes glistened with tears, but Kai's heart had hardened. He walked away, leaving behind the shattered remains of what he had believed was a genuine connection.

As time passed, Kai found solace in his writing once again. He poured his pain into his stories, using his words to heal the wounds that Beomgyu had inflicted. The memory of their friendship haunted him, a constant reminder of the betrayal he had experienced.

And so, their paths diverged – Kai moving forward with a renewed determination to protect his heart, and Beomgyu carrying the burden of his regret, forever haunted by the laughter that had once echoed through his betrayal.

Angst. Anywhores, see you in next chapter.

Stay safe. Eat cake.

Signing off YnWeasley123.

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