Chapter 2 - A Bard's Tale

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Gabriel changed into attire suitable for the evening supper, wishing he could remain within the four walls of his chambers—alone. But regardless of his pain, which had not subsided in the hours since Tunklard's departure, he knew he had no choice but to attend. The consequences of his absence would be dire.

As he prepared himself, memories flooded his mind, of all Tunklard's wisdom and teachings. Tunklard embodied everything Gabriel wished his father could be, and he had hoped that he was regarded as a son by Tunklard. Unfortunately, now Gabriel would never know.

The thought sent a lance of pain to his heart. He remembered one lesson in particular, a lesson he would need to act on in the hours to come. 


One sunny afternoon, they had sat in the tranquility of the palace gardens, surrounded by blooming flowers and interrupted only by the gentle rustle of leaves.

Tunklard's eyes, wise and kind, met Gabriel's as he began to speak. "As a Prince, you need to understand the nature of your position. Every action you take, every word you speak, everything will be scrutinized and judged by those around you."

Gabriel listened intently to Tunklard's words, the gravity of his future responsibilities sinking in. "But why must I be judged so closely?" Gabriel asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"It is the nature of power. You will be a leader one day, and people will look to you for guidance and reassurance—or a sense of stability. They will seek to decipher your intentions. It is also how others may look to use you for their own motives, whether good or bad."

Gabriel pondered Tunklard's words, realizing the weight of the expectations placed upon him. "So, I must always be careful in my actions and words," he concluded.

His tutor nodded, offering a gentle smile. "Indeed, you must learn to mask your emotions when necessary, to choose your words wisely, and to speak differently to different people. This is not to say that you should be dishonest or manipulative, but rather to be mindful of the impact your words and expressions can have on others."

"But how can I always be aware of such things?" Gabriel asked.

"It is a skill that requires practice and observation. You must learn to be attentive, to read the subtle cues and body language of those around you. Unpoken messages are just as important as words spoken. Adapt your demeanor accordingly, for each person you encounter may require a different approach."

Gabriel nodded, his youthful curiosity absorbing Tunklard's teachings like a sponge. "And what if I feel overwhelmed by the weight of these expectations?" he asked.

His tutor's eyes softened with empathy at Gabriel's vulnerability. "It is only natural to feel overwhelmed at times. But remember, you are not alone on this journey. Lean on the wisdom of those who came before you, seek counsel from trusted advisors, and above all, trust in your intellect. Your sharp mind is your greatest asset." 


Gabriel chose black attire for supper, traditionally worn in times of war or grief. It suited the moment perfectly and served as a subtle act of defiance against the king, without inviting direct retribution.

He regarded himself in the mirror, his black shoulder-length hair in disarray. He tied it up at the back, the dark clothing accentuating his sharp features and adding a harsh aura to his usually smiling face. His once-bright green eyes were now puffy and red. He washed his face, composing himself. Though still heartbroken, he refused to show weakness in front of the king and other nobles.

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